字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Think rock paper scissors is a random game of chance? 認為剪刀石頭布是一種機率性的遊戲? That is probably why you aren’t winning. 這可能就是為什麼你不會贏的原因 Here’s a little science and dirty psychology to sharpen your game 這裡有些小小的科學及暗黑心理學可以讓你變得更加厲害 and help you totally dominate at rock paper scissors. 幫助你拿下遊戲中的主控權 First throw: If you’re playing against a guy, throw paper first. 第一拳:面對你對手的第一拳就出布吧 Data shows that men often go with the manly rock on the first throw 資料顯示出通常男人在第一拳會出石頭 so throw paper to totally emasculate him. 所以就出布來用力地幹掉你的對手啦 Remember to look at him in the eye and don’t smile when you do it. 記得看著他的眼睛,還有當你這麼做時別偷笑啊 Next throw: if you just lost, throw whatever would have beaten your opponent the previous role. 下一拳:如果你輸了,那就隨便出一個你上一局夠贏對手的拳 So, if you just lost a paper, throw scissors next. 所以,假如你輸給了布,那接下來你就出剪刀 Your foolish opponent will probably stick with the past winner and broke paper again. 你的笨對手可能會繼續出剛剛贏過的布 If you won the first throw, congratulations! 如果你贏了第一局,那麼恭喜 Now switch it up because losers most often will not stick with the losing throw. 現在,改變戰術因為輸的人多不會繼續出剛剛輸過的拳 Losers often throw in a predictable order. 輸家的出拳方式常常是有一個可預測的順序 If he lost with rock, odds are he’ll throw paper next. 如果你贏了他的石頭,有很大的機率他接著會出布 If he lost with paper, odds are he’ll throw scissors next. 如果你贏了他的布,有很大的機率他接著會出剪刀 Cycling through the name… rock, then paper then scissors. 重複著這遊戲的名字…石頭、布、剪刀 Anticipate your opponent’s next throw by paying attention to what he just threw. 全神貫注在剛剛出的每一拳上,預測對手的下一步 It will seem like you’re reading his mind. 看起來就像是你會讀心一樣 Third throw: Most casual players will not throw something three times in a row. 第三拳:大部分隨興的玩家不會連出三次一模一樣的拳 So if he throws two rocks, you should throw scissors next 所以如果他出了兩次石頭,你接下來就該出剪刀 because he’ll probably abandon rock in a sweaty panic. 因為他可能會冒冷汗一陣緊張,於是捨棄石頭 Now you’ve got him on the ropes. 現在你讓他的局面岌岌可危了 And finally, close your eyes. 最後,閉上眼睛 The mirror neurons in your brain can force you to copy your opponent in a split second before a throw. 你腦中的鏡像神經元會使你在出拳前的短短一瞬間模仿你的對手 Research shows blindfolded players win slightly more. 研究顯示盲解玩家贏得稍微多些 Plus how badass is it to screw someone at rock, paper, scissors with your eyes closed. 而且,閉著眼睛就能贏對方實在太拉風了 That’s some jedi shit right there. 這想必牽涉到絕地武士的原力 Now go forth and demolish your opponents 現在去打敗你的對手吧 but remember not to gloat instead give them a hug. 但記住,別表現出幸災樂禍,應該給他們個擁抱 And tell them not to suck so bad next time. 然後告訴他們下次別再這麼遜了
B1 中級 中文 剪刀 對手 石頭 玩家 遊戲 眼睛 【剪刀、石頭、布 - 教你怎麼贏】How To Win At Rock Paper Scissors 25774 2074 Go Tutor 發佈於 2016 年 08 月 31 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字