字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Abdel Razak al Cotton was a well to do farmer in Syria's rural hammer province. 阿卜杜勒-拉扎克-科頓是敘利亞農村錘子省的一個好端端的農民。 Now 10 years on from the start of the Civil War, he is penniless, homeless and living in a tent in northern Idlib. 現在距離內戰開始已經10年了,他身無分文,無家可歸,住在伊德利卜北部的帳篷裡。 Far Worse Cartoon says he has lost his 13 Children and wife in the conflict. 遠大漫畫說他在衝突中失去了13個孩子和妻子。 After I went out following the revolution, I lost three Children and I started moving from one village to another. 革命後我出去後,失去了三個孩子,我開始從一個村子搬到另一個村子。 Until I reached Saqib. 直到我到達薩基布。 I lost another seven at the gas station. 我在加油站又輸了7個。 I've lost 13 Children now, and my wife I'm amen. 我現在已經失去了13個孩子,我的妻子我是阿門。 His oldest child was 27 the youngest just 13 years old. 他最大的孩子27歲,最小的只有13歲。 He says some were rebels opposed to President Bashar al Assad's government. 他說,有些人是反對總統巴沙爾-阿薩德政府的叛亂分子。 Speaking to Reuters through tears, Cartoon showed a video on his phone, which he said showed the grizzly execution of one of his sons. 卡通流著淚對路透社說,他展示了手機上的一段視頻,他說這段視頻顯示了他的一個兒子被灰頭土臉地處決。 Reuters could not independently verify his account of the civil war, but his story is not uncommon. 路透社無法獨立核實他對內戰的描述,但他的故事並不罕見。 Yeah, hundreds of thousands of people have been killed in the fighting that began with protests that quickly turned violent in 2011. 是的,在2011年開始的抗議活動迅速轉為暴力的戰鬥中,數十萬人被殺。 Millions more like cotton, have fled their homes for safer areas within Syria or as refugees abroad. 還有數百萬人像棉花一樣,逃離家園,到敘利亞境內更安全的地區或作為難民到國外。 The Assad government denies that it tortures captives. 阿薩德政府否認對俘虜實施酷刑。 Moscow and Damascus also deny accusations of indiscriminate bombing of civilians, saying they only target radical militants. 莫斯科和大馬士革也否認對平民進行狂轟濫炸的指控,稱他們只針對激進的武裝分子。 Assad has survived the insurgency and now hold sway over many parts of the country. 阿薩德在叛亂中倖存下來,現在在該國許多地區掌握著話語權。 Helped by Russia and Iran. 在俄羅斯和伊朗的幫助下。 He is set to maintain power after a presidential election later this year. 他將在今年晚些時候的總統選舉後保持權力。 As for Cotton, now 84 years old, he lives with his surviving grandchildren, and the wives of his dead son's animals are to help with them and me. 至於棉花,現在已經84歲了,他和健在的孫子孫女一起生活,他死去的兒子動物的妻子要幫助他們和我。 I'm a farmer and people knew this in the north, I used to work with 1800 acres and I used to be one of the leading farmers. 我是一個農民,在北方大家都知道,我以前工作的時候有1800畝,我以前是農民中的佼佼者。 I'm a tough farmer now. 我是一個堅強的農民了。 I am penniless, but I thank God for everything. 我身無分文,但我感謝上帝的一切。
B1 中級 中文 農民 阿薩德 敘利亞 村子 棉花 妻子 10年的戰爭。失去家人的敘利亞農民 (10 years of war: The Syrian farmer who lost his family) 8 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 03 月 16 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字