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hey guys its Jenn~ and today I'm going to be answering your would you rather questions
大家好!!我是Jenn 今天呢我要來回答你們的”你會選...?“問題
@ItsKira12 asked me: Jenn Would you rather be locked in an elevator for three days with no food, or make out with a monkey?
@ItsKira12 問我你寧可被關在電梯裡三天外加沒有食物吃,還是跟一隻猴子愛愛?
I would make out with a monkey because I would probably die without food for three days
我會跟一隻猴子愛愛因為三天沒吃東西的話 我可能會死翹翹
and we all know that I'm a slut anyway so thats no problem (being sarcastic)
@Mikaelsargeant asked me would you rather have to bathe a homeless man with your tongue once or only wear the colour green for the rest of your life?
@Tommy_Gadd asked me: would you rather give up the internet, or your dog
sorry Mickey (her dog X'D) Oh my God that's horrible...haha
米奇抱歉了.... 我的天啊這真是糟糕!!哈哈哈
@Bridgeham asked me: would you rather go to Vidcon or Ellie Goulding concert?
@Bridgeham說 你會選擇去vidcon (youtuber大集合)還是ellie goulding的演唱會?
as much as I love Ellie Goulding, I love vidcon even more so definitely vidcon
縱使我很愛ellie goulding,但是我更加喜歡vidcon所以我一定選vidcon
and just so you know vidcon 2013 is this August It's in Anaheim California and I'M GONNA BE THERE!!! so you guys should all come and meet me!!!
噢對了2013年8月的vidcon在加州 然後我也會在現場噢!!所以你們應該來見我啦>//<!!!
I'll put the link to the vidcon website in the description of this video so you guys can check it out and buy tickets to meet me and other cool youtubers
我會把vidcon的網址放在下面的借紹欄裡 你們可以看看然後買票進來看我跟其他很酷的youtubers們噢
once again @Tommy_Gadd asked me: would you rather only being able to whisper or only being able to shout?
@Emily_andturtle asked me: would you rather still make videos that everyone likes or get paid $100,000 to quit making videos?
@Emily_andturtle問我你選擇繼續做好看的影片還是拿到 $100,000之後停止做影片?
I'd rather still make videos.
我要繼續做影片(awwwww <3
@Ashley_Lawlorff asked me: would you rather follow me on twitter or kill yourself?
@Ashley_Lawlorff 問我你要在推特追蹤我還是自殺?(無言.....
@DavidEvancho8 asked me: would you rather stay on the East coast or fly to California? (flyyyy ↑)
@DavidEvancho8 問我你要獃在東岸還是飛到加州? (飛飛飛飛飛飛~~~
@Just4lawls asked me: would you rather drink pickle juice or eat mayonnaise?
@Just4lawls問我 喝酸黃瓜汁跟吃美乃滋你要選哪個?
drink pickle juice is actually pretty good is that weird? (i don't know...
酸黃瓜之其實不錯喝啊? (那很奇怪嗎??(小聲
@Savannazo1123 asked me: would you rather eat five live cockroaches or bath in a tub of maple syrup?
@Savannazo1123問我 你要生吃五隻蟑螂還是在楓糖漿裡洗澡?
definitely bath in a tub of maple syrup cuz I cannot stand bugs at all!!!!
當然是楓糖漿啊! 因為我完全討厭昆蟲!!
@annexxpeace asked me: would you rather be a bird so you can fly and shit on people you don't like or live forever to see the future?
@annexxpeace 問我你想要當一隻鳥可以拉屎再討厭的人身上還是得以永生然後見證未來?
definitely be a bird and to shit on people I don't like
@JacobDeleon97 asked me: would you rather have a rewind button in your life or a pause button?
definitely a pause button that would be so useful!
暫停鍵!! 那個一定很實用!
@Heyitsilly asked me: would you have a whole bunch of spiders crawling on you at night or dye your hair bright green permanently?
dye my hair bright green permanently i could definitely rock that look!!! BING!!
alright guys! thank you so much for asking me would you rather questions if your not make sure you follow me on twitter
好啦~謝謝你們大家問我”你會選...?“問題 如果你沒問到的話記得在推特追蹤我噢
my user name is @JENNXPENN and I love to answer your questions all the time and talk to you guys
and thats it for this video THANK YOU guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time BYE~~!!!
這部影片就到這兒啦 謝謝你們的觀賞!我們下次再見摟~!!