Reuters recently visited the priest who opened his doors to the dead back then, 270 of them in total, and father Mario Carminati, senior priest of the community at Sarah, got It was a nightmare, but I didn't have the opportunity to think about it a lot, because when you find yourself in the middle of an emergency, you have to rush and act according to your instinct and not according to your heart.
路透社最近訪問了當年為死者開門的牧師,總共270人,薩拉社區的高級牧師馬里奧-卡米納蒂(Mario Carminati)父親得到了 這是一場噩夢,但我沒有機會考慮很多,因為當你發現自己處於緊急情況中時,你必須根據你的本能匆匆採取行動,而不是根據你的心臟。