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Hello and welcome to TotalPhilosophy
In this video we are going to be talking about René Descartes
But who is Descartes?
Descartes was a 17 century French philosopher
Who is considered to be the father of modern philosophy
And is famous for his quote
Cogito ergo sum (Latin)
I think therefore I am
But why did Descartes say this in the first place?
Was he just stating the obvious?
Does this saying have some deeper meaning?
Was he the first frenchmen to realise that he was thinking?
To find the answer to these questions we
First have to take a look at something called Global Scepticism
Global Scepticism is the idea that all beliefs can be doubted
this even includes beliefs which to many of us would seem odd to doubt
Such as I have a body and 2 + 2 = 4
A global sceptic is certainly not someone you would want to eat lunch with
Descartes disagrees with global scepticism and sets out to prove that
We can be certain about what we consider to be true
To start Descartes wonders what would actually give him reason to doubt
All of his beliefs
He concludes that it would take an all powerful evil demon
Whose sole purpose is to trick him
Into thinking that all of his beliefs are true when really they are not
Given the almighty power of the demon he even deceives Descartes
Of beliefs that are considered to more secure
For example all squares have four sides
In order to show that we can be certain about our beliefs
Descartes states that he must prove that without a doubt the demon
Does not exist
Descartes begins this by moving all beliefs that he has
Off the table of certainty and into the bin
Assuming that they are all false
Because they are created by this evil demon
In other words he denies his entire existence
And the existence of everything else in order to start afresh
But this time only adding beliefs to the table
That he can be truly certain of
After some thoughts such as I am hungry
I wish there was some food on this table
Descartes concludes that he can only be certain of one belief
And that is I am thinking
This is because nothing not even an all powerful evil demon
Could make him doubt that he is thinking
Since to doubt that you are thinking would be thinking in itself
From here Descartes now reasons
That because it is true that I am thinking
Then it must also be true that I exist
After all my thoughts must come from somewhere Descartes would say
Therefore at this moment we can be certain of only two beliefs
Which are I am thinking and I exist
Hence the famous quote I think therefore I am
Mousier Descartes now considers how
He could further add to the table of certainty
After a painfully long think
Descartes finally figures that the belief
The mind can exist separately from the body
Can also not be doubted
He comes to this conclusion by realising
That his conscious collection of thoughts and feelings
Can be considered a separate entity to his body
Given that he can conceive that he is thinking
And that he exists before he has proved that he even owns a body
Basically Descartes is saying that the mind
Is a thinking non - physical thing
Which is completely different to the body
Which is a Physical non -thinking thing
Therefore meaning they can exist without each other
However so far Descartes has only proved
That he is a thinking thing
And has not yet shown that his perceptual beliefs are without doubt.
Therefore meaning that Descartes
Can not even be sure that there exists any physical objects
Or that anything other than himself exists at all
It could be the case that Descartes is just a collection of thoughts
That has no body
And that the demon is just deceiving him into thinking
That the whole world around him that he senses is real
When really it is not
A modern example of this could be related to the Matrix
How do you know that the world
That you are sensing really exists
And that your not just plugged into a supercomputer
That is manipulating your thoughts
By making you think that the world it has created is real?
Don't worry because Descartes has the red pill to this problem
This is because while trying to build upon the beliefs
That he can so far be certain of
Descartes finds the concept of a Perfect being AKA God
God being a perfect being has perfection in all of his qualities
Therefore being
All powerful all knowing and all good.
René Descartes then furthers this point
By questioning whether this concept of a God
Is a reliable one to hold
In other words
He is questioning whether such a being actually exists
To start
Descartes notes that he himself is not a perfect being
After all he is capable of making mistakes
And is not at all all-knowing
Descartes then reasons that because he is imperfect
He could not have conceived of perfection himself
Since perfection can only come from perfection
Therefore meaning that the God he conceives of
Must be the source of this concept
Get ready to take that red pill
Because Descartes now finally concludes
That as God is all knowing all powerful and all good
He would not allow the existence of an evil demon
That deceives Descartes into sensing a world that is not real
The existence of God also now allows Descartes
To justify many other beliefs that he has had
Allowing Descartes to restore those beliefs
That he had previously chucked into the bin
Back onto the table of certainty
Descartes thus concludes that the Demon does not exist
And that he can finally be certain of many fundamental beliefs
That he has
Therefore showing that Global Sceptics are wrong
To think that everything can be doubted
However if Descartes had lived long enough to hear the responses of
John Locke
David Hume
Fredrich Nietzsche
Immanuel Kant
Bernard Williams
Søren Kierkegarard
Pierre Gassendi
And many others as they tore apart his work
The foundation for all of his certainty
Then maybe he would not have been so assured
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