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  • Welcome to your wrong about the podcast.


  • Where if the narrative doesn't fit, it ain't legit.


  • Hey, everyone, I'm Rebecca and welcome to watch Mojo.


  • Today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 true crime podcasts to listen to in 2021.


  • I never set out to investigate the Long Island Serial killer.


  • It was only through a tragic and unexpected sequence of events that my partner and I became entangled in this case on nineties crime time.


  • You're more than likely going to be amazed just how many violent crimes occurred during this time period.


  • On this September night in 1978 the TV viewing audience would watch as Cheryl Bradshaw was introduced two bachelor number one by his given name for this list.


  • We're looking at the best true crime podcasts that we think you should spend your time on in 2021.


  • What's your favorite podcast?


  • Be sure to let us know in the comments.


  • All right, let's get to it.


  • Mhm Number 10 Hollywood Crime scene The podcast landscape is absolutely filled with true crime, and it's easy to get lost among all the different shows in this documentary.

    Mhm Number 10 好萊塢犯罪現場 播客領域絕對充滿了真實的犯罪,在這部紀錄片中,人們很容易迷失在所有不同的節目中。

  • They talked to a lot of victims that he conned and they're literally like he was like, You own part of the Backstreet Boys now, like that kind of stuff And they were like, You can meet the Backstreet Boys.

    他們談了很多受害者 他騙了,他們從字面上看,他是這樣的, 你現在擁有後街男孩的一部分, 像這樣的東西,他們很喜歡, 你可以滿足后街男孩。

  • They would get tickets to concerts.


  • A true crime podcast needs to truly stand out to get noticed within the oversaturated genre and Hollywood crime scene is that podcast hosted by DZ Jenkin and Rachel Fisher, Hollywood crime scene details, scandals, crimes and sordid stories that have plagued Hollywood throughout the years.

    一個真實的犯罪播客需要真正的脫穎而出,才能在過度飽和的類型中受到關注,好萊塢犯罪現場就是這樣的播客,由DZ Jenkin和Rachel Fisher主持,好萊塢犯罪現場的細節、醜聞、犯罪和多年來困擾好萊塢的骯髒故事。

  • The show mixes standalone episodes with longer.


  • Two parters people witnessed this, by the way.


  • So that's how you have this information.


  • That must be horrible to see Jesus so awful.


  • In 2021 the podcast has covered the likes of Richard Ramirez, aka The Night Stalker, a con man named Lou Pearlman and Winnie Ruth Judd, aka the trunk murderess who transported bodies in suitcases.

    在2021年,播客已經覆蓋了理查德-拉米雷斯(又名 "夜行者")、一個名叫盧-佩爾曼的金光黨和溫妮-露絲-賈德(又名用行李箱運送屍體的行李箱女殺手)等人。

  • Number nine Case file.


  • True Crime Podcast.


  • Our episodes deal with serious and often distressing incidents.


  • If you feel at any time you need support, please contact your local crisis center.


  • Case file is by far one of the most popular true crime podcasts and for good reason.


  • Hosted by an anonymous Australian host, Case file has aired since January 2016, with each episode serving as a mini audiobook.


  • Unlike many other true crime podcasts, case file is not conversational in nature.


  • Rather, the podcast tells its stories in narrative fashion, complete with studious background information and plot twists.


  • A small trickle of blood ran down the driver's side door.


  • Cindy was nowhere to be found.


  • The research is also second to none, with the podcast reportedly consisting of four researchers and writers who access primary resources to get their information.


  • But it's not just the research and storytelling that sets case file apart.


  • The podcast is also impeccably produced, complete with an eerie sound design and original compositions.


  • During the seventies in California, police were taught to shoot twice.


  • He was also conscious not to leave fingerprints at his crime scenes, as that was the primary way for police to identify suspects at the time.


  • Number eight, the missing crypto queen.


  • What would a big criminal organization do with people who could be such a liability for them?


  • Some podcasts are devoted to specific stories, much like a documentary miniseries The Missing Crypto Queen is a standout example.


  • Expertly produced by the BBC, this podcast is tamer than most true crime stories as it forgoes gory serial killings to tell an enthralling story about an experienced con artist.


  • The podcast is devoted to Bulgarian fraudster Rusia Agneta and her Ponzi scheme.

    該播客專門介紹保加利亞金光黨Rusia Agneta和她的龐氏騙局。

  • One coin but one coin was nothing but an old fashioned pyramid scam with no real technology behind it.


  • One coin is not a Cryptocurrency, there is no and I can prove it.


  • Promoted as a Cryptocurrency in the vein of Bitcoin, One coin has conned people out of an unbelievable $4 billion.


  • Leading British daily newspaper The Times to call it quote one of the biggest scams in history.


  • Ignitable went on the run in 2017 and has yet to be found.


  • She is currently facing up to 90 years in prison.


  • Is it possible that some of these payments and Rouge's disappearance are connected and that those connections might lead us to where she is now?


  • Number seven unraveled Long Island serial killer.


  • I never set out to investigate the Long Island serial killer.


  • It was only through a tragic and unexpected sequence of events that my partner and I became entangled in this case.


  • Another podcast devoted to one case unraveled concerns the still unsolved story of the Long Island serial killer.


  • Also known as the Craigslist Ripper.


  • This person is believed to have killed at least 10 people over a 20 year period, with their remains being found in the Suffolk and Nassau counties of New York in 2010 and 2011, Produced by Discovery Unraveled, Long Island Serial Killer is hosted by Alexis Linkletter and Billy Jensen and sees them exploring both the case and the reasons behind its frustratingly unsolved status.

    這個人被認為在20年的時間裡殺害了至少10人,他們的遺體於2010年和2011年在紐約薩福克縣和納索縣被發現,由Discovery Unraveled製作,長島連環殺手由Alexis Linkletter和Billy Jensen主持,他們將同時探討案件及其背後令人沮喪的未決狀態的原因。

  • Does anybody who knows how to kill someone get away with it?


  • It's a cop, somebody just keeping the cover up going.


  • It makes four enthralling listening, and it brings attention to one of the biggest true crime stories of our time.


  • If you had a son that was accused something that he was innocent and went to prison for it, maybe you could understand what it's like.


  • Number six.


  • Welcome to your fantasy.


  • It started in a dumpy little nightclub in L.


  • A during the last days of disco, but by the mid eighties it blew up into a massive global phenomenon.


  • Founded in 1979 and rising to prominence in the early eighties, Chippendales were an all male dance troupe who seduced and entertained female audiences with their oily bare chests, sensual dancing and strip teases.


  • Today, Chippendales perform at the Rio All Suite Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.

    今天,Chippendales在拉斯維加斯的Rio All Suite酒店和賭場表演。

  • The tail of the troops passed, however, is one of corruption, arson and murder.


  • But behind the nonstop party, there was something much darker going on.


  • Police say he was murdered in his 15th floor office.


  • You know, Hello.


  • If you actually killed a man, you should pay for that.


  • Gimlet Media is Welcome to Your Fantasy is a great podcast that's expertly produced and meticulously researched, complete with firsthand interviews with co conspirators and former Chippendale dancers.

    Gimlet Media是歡迎你的幻想是一個偉大的播客,它的專業製作和細緻的研究,完成了對共同陰謀者和前Chippendale舞者的第一手採訪。

  • And I've estimated I've taken my clothes off for over a million women.


  • Wow, put that on your tombstone.


  • One that'll be about it.


  • Number five nineties crime time.


  • Thank you for tuning into nineties crime time.


  • And if you're new to nineties crime time, welcome to the show.


  • This true crime podcast is unique as it focuses entirely on stories from the 19 nineties.


  • The podcast started its life on host Simone Taylor's Instagram account before blossoming into what it is today.


  • Nineties crime Time covers both well known and obscure true crime stories from the nineties, and each episode only lasts half an hour, making it perfect for commutes or chores around the house on nineties crime time.


  • You're more than likely going to be amazed just how many violent crimes occurred during this time period.


  • In 2021 the show was covered.


  • A serial arsonist in Seattle, a billionaire who hired a sketchy staff member and a woman who found danger on an Internet chat room, among others.


  • The stories are always interesting, and they are all very well told by Taylor Number four, the dating game killer.


  • On this September night in 1978 the TV viewing audience would watch as Cheryl Bradshaw was introduced to Bachelor number one by his given name.


  • In 1978 a contestant named Rodney Alcala appeared on The Dating Game, a syndicated game show that saw a bachelorette questioning three potential bachelors and taking the winner on a date between takes.


  • He might find him skydiving or motorcycling.


  • Please welcome Rodney Alcala at the time, Alcala was in the midst of a killing spree that resulted in at least eight deaths.


  • His true victim count remains unknown, but he was eventually sentenced to life on seven murders that occurred between 1971 and 1979.


  • Funnily enough, the Bachelorette and a fellow contestant described Alcala as quote, creepy and quote very strange.

    有趣的是,"單身女郎 "和一位參賽者的同伴形容阿爾卡拉為:報價,令人毛骨悚然,報價非常奇怪。

  • Produced by one DRI and hosted by Tracy Patent and Stephen Lang of Avatar and Don't Breathe Fame, the dating game Killer is a fantastic podcast that goes into painstaking detail regarding Alcala is life crimes and infamous appearance on syndicated television.

    由一個DRI製作,由Tracy Patent和Stephen Lang主持的《阿凡達》和《不要呼吸的名聲》,約會遊戲殺手是一個夢幻般的播客,進入了關於Alcala是生活中的犯罪和臭名昭著的出現在聯合電視上的細節。

  • No one on the dating game is aware that Bachelor number one is also a twice convicted felon and registered sex offender, that he spent six years in prison or that he was questioned in the Hillside Strangler case and is considered a person of interest in the murder of a young woman in New York.

    在約會遊戲中,沒有人知道一號單身漢也是一個兩次被定罪的重罪犯和註冊的性犯罪者,他在監獄裡呆了六年,或者他在Hillside Strangler案件中被詢問,並被認為是紐約謀殺一名年輕女性的嫌疑人。

  • Number three.


  • You're wrong about Welcome to You're Wrong about the podcast.


  • Where if the narrative doesn't fit, it ain't legit.


  • Hosted by Michael Hobbs and Sarah Marshall, you're Wrong about is a history and human interest podcast concerned with misunderstood stories of the past, as its title suggests, You're wrong about covers historical events that have been poorly reported or misunderstood by the general public while also aiming to tell the true and complex story at its core.


  • While not necessarily a true crime podcast you're Wrong about has covered many notable true crime cases the pre existing fear of Satan, which we had throughout the seventies.


  • And you know, there's the fear of heavy metal bands putting satanic secret backwards, satanic messages in their songs and this idea of, you know, America becoming a less Christian country and paganism and the dark side of the hippie movement.

    你知道,有重金屬樂隊的恐懼 把撒旦的祕密倒退,撒旦的資訊 在他們的歌曲和這個想法,你知道, 美國成為一個不太基督教的國家 和異教和黑暗的一面 嬉皮運動。

  • These include the Satanic Panic of the 19 eighties, the Jonestown Massacre and Jeffrey Dahmer, among many others.


  • Each episode is expertly researched.


  • The hosts are fun and affable, and each episode runs 60 to 90 minutes, striking the perfect balance between depth and easy listening.


  • I mean, I feel like when I look at his life, it feels like this coalescence of just all of these different factors.

    我的意思是,我覺得當我看他的生活, 感覺就像這個凝聚 只是所有這些不同的因素。

  • You know that he was born with the hardware that he had and that he was so emotionally isolated, growing up number two murder history Girls, welcome to the murder of history.

    要知道,他的硬件條件是與生俱來的,而且他在情感上是那麼的孤立,成長中的二號謀殺史 女孩們,歡迎來到謀殺史。

  • Girls have your favorite cup of tea or Mickey's case her favorite bottle of beer.


  • Get cozy and enjoy this week's episode, hosted by sisters Mickey Wilkerson and Brandy samples Murder History Girls is a true crime podcast infused with comedy.


  • It doesn't sound like comedy, and true crime should go together, but the sisters told the line and strike of Wonderful Balance, ensuring that this podcast is informative and thrilling, but also very, very funny.


  • He drove around and he has like, 12 Rolls Royce, and he would drive every day, just drive a new one around.


  • So it's crazy, you know, like these people like you, they have, yeah, like I want the goal that these people had.


  • The podcast has covered a wide array of topics, including Jack the Ripper lobotomies, the origins of where Wolves and Rasputin, among many others, few true crime podcasts utilized comedy to such success making murder history, girls essential listening.


  • Well, I personally am always looking for new true crime podcast recommendations, so I cannot wait to see what we've got at number one, which we will get to after these honorable mentions my favorite murder, another true crime comedy podcast hosted by two comedians.


  • It's much more fun to talk about real things that we can both get into instead of like, Well, did you watch it or didn't that's what that's what all people should be called.


  • Let me challenge you did.


  • You're not watching the clown and the candy man, A dark network connected Dean Coral and John Wayne Gacey.


  • I can't I can't say it right now because if I say it, I'm the wind up dead.


  • Dr.


  • Death one DRI investigates cases of medical malpractice.


  • You learn something that you can barely comprehend.


  • You don't have cancer.


  • You never did.


  • And you're not the only one.


  • Chameleon, Hollywood Con queen.


  • A mysterious woman.


  • Cons.


  • Hollywood Day players We've chased leads across six countries and three continents were obsessed with this, and one way or another, we're going to find out who's behind it.


  • Before we continue.


  • Be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.


  • You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.


  • If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.


  • Number one in the Dark.


  • It's arguably the best true crime podcast ever produced.


  • The first season of In the Dark concerns the kidnapping and murder of 11 year old Jacob Wetterling.


  • The kidnapping of Jacob Wetterling changed life for hundreds of thousands of people across the country.


  • It even led to a federal law that requires all states to maintain registries of sex offenders.


  • The second, an epic 23 episode adventure, concerns Curtis Flowers, who was tried for murder on six separate occasions and spent over 20 years in prison before he was released in 2019 without an official sentencing.


  • All along, Curtis Flowers has maintained his innocence.


  • Curtis kept appealing his convictions.


  • He kept winning, and it kept getting tried again, all by the same prosecutor.


  • Four of his trials were overturned after conviction, and two ended in mistrials in the dark.


  • Contains stellar investigative journalism from American public media, winning two Peabody Awards for quote transcending the genre and quote offering a masterclass in true crime.


  • Podcasting.


  • It really doesn't get much better than this, so we are in the car on our way to talk to Curtis Flowers.


  • Believe it or not, after all this time, kind of kind of crazy I actually listened to in the dark, and I definitely recommend it, but I am always looking for new true crime podcasts to listen to.


  • So if you have one that we missed on this list, be sure to let us know about it in the comments.


  • Or come tell me on Twitter or Instagram at Rebecca Britain or on my YouTube channel.

    或者在Twitter或Instagram上的Rebecca Britain或我的YouTube頻道上來告訴我。

  • See you.


  • Mhm.

  • Mhm.

  • Yeah.


Welcome to your wrong about the podcast.


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