So I put my final look together using this thrift ID cream blazer embroidered this piece from an indie O G and the League of Fashion Brand put on some really nice matching shoes, pointy, cute, old fashioned, and also incorporated some of my jewelry to kind of bring back the black and also just incorporate more of a Gothic theme into the outfit.
所以,我把我的最後的外觀一起使用這個二手ID乳白色的西裝繡這塊從一個獨立的O G和時尚品牌聯盟穿上一些非常漂亮的匹配的鞋子,尖尖的,可愛的,老式的,也融入了我的一些珠寶,有點帶回黑色,也只是融入更多的哥特式主題的衣服。