Uh, you know, coming up really, without a father figure in his life, knowing why the purpose why he opened up, I promise school and and and wanted to provide such such such great people to help these kids in these in these black communities so they could get knowledge so they could get up either those communities and be something in life because, you know, we go through so much that it gets overlooked, okay?
呃,你知道,來了真的, 沒有父親的身影在他的生活中,知道為什麼目的 為什麼他打開了,我保證學校和和 想提供這樣的這樣的偉大的人 幫助這些孩子在這些 在這些黑人社區,所以他們可以得到知識 所以他們可以起床 無論是這些社區,並在生活中的東西 因為,你知道,我們經歷了這麼多 它被忽視,好嗎?