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we, the committee representing Kiran Zuleta cr Ph Julie asked the United Nations, the United Nations Security Council and Internation Community that aspired to build peaceful and civilized global society, to use any means necessary to take action against the Myanmar military and to provide safety and security for the people of Myanmar.
我們,代表Kiran Zuleta Cr Ph Julie的委員會要求聯合國、聯合國安全理事會和渴望建立和平和文明的全球社會的國際社會採取任何必要的手段,對緬甸軍方採取行動,併為緬甸人民提供安全和保障。
In addition to the existing support, we need further strongest possible action from the international community to immediately end the military coup.
To stop oppressing the innocent people to return the state power to the people and to re stroll the democracy we do that discover here.
Oh yeah, and thank you, Mr President.