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Facebook trying to put its best face forward. The social networking giant pledged Wednesday to invest at least $1 billion in the news industry over the next three years.
Companies like Facebook and Alphabet's Google have been under scrutiny over their business model as well as the proliferation of misinformation on their platforms.
人們持續審視臉書和 Alphabet 旗下的谷歌這種公司的商業模式及他們所營運平台假消息散播的問題。
The announcement comes just one day after Facebook agreed to refriend Australia, ending an unprecedented week-long blackout.
Facebook had been locked in a standoff with Canberra after the government proposed legislation that would require tech giants to pay traditional media companies for their content.
Facebook then blocked Australian users from sharing and viewing news content, publishers and the government cried foul.
Facebook restored Australian news pages on Tuesday after wringing concessions from the government.
The official, who helped draft Australia's laws of paying for content, claimed victory Wednesday, but critics said last minute changes to appease Facebook favored big tech over smaller news outlets.
Facebook said it has already invested $600 million in the news industry since 2018.
臉書則表示,自 2018 年以來,該公司已經在新聞行業投資了六億美元。
It also said it's actively negotiating with German and French news publishers for a deal to pay for content.
Facebook's shares fell in early trading Wednesday.