And unfortunately, now this, you know, let's just hope that he's He comes out of this in one piece and he's healthy, you know, This is it's really sad and you hate to have this happen to, you know, people that you cover people that you get to know, but people you call friends and a Z Justin Tom was saying, You know, you're you're really saddened for this and, uh, you know, what is kids are going through right now?
不幸的是,現在這個,你知道,讓我們只是希望他的 他走出這個在一塊,他是健康的,你知道,這是 這是真的很傷心,你討厭有 這種情況發生在,你知道,人,你覆蓋的人 你認識的人,但人們你打電話給朋友和一個Z 賈斯汀-湯姆說,你知道,你是 你真的很傷心了這一點,呃,你知道,什麼是孩子們 正在經歷的權利嗎?