I needtodothisbecauseeverytime I getlike, realnitty-gritty, it's a voiceoverwihJayEllyiot's beatsandboo-hoos.
And I amsogratefulforhavingyouguysinmylife. Thankyousomuch.
Becauseofyou, I amgrowinganddiscoveringmoreofmyself. And I hopethatmyvideosarehelpingyououttoo.
I don't knowaboutyouguys, butaroundthistimeoftheyearweallgetsentimental.
Self-reflection, youknow, wetake a lookatwhat's goingoninhere.
I'm kindofdownbecause I'm like 'what's thenextstep?'
So I'm wonderingifanyofyouguysfeelthatway. Letmeknow, commentbelow.
Butthat's what I'vebeenfeelingjustbeforetheholidays, duringtheholidays. I wasverylost, verylike, 'whatam I doingwithmylife, youknow? I'm a slavetothesenumbers!'
I don't likeit, so I'm checkingout, guys, sorry!
I loveyouguys, I'm sograteful--I amnotcheckingout.
Butwhen I startedthisYouTubechannel, I wasliving! I spentmywholelifeliving.
I did a lot! I traveled a lot, I createdwithmyhands a lot, I renovated, I re-upholsteredmycouch.
I wasjustdoing a lotofthings. A lotofstuff.
Andthen I startedtohearbuzzesofthingshappeningonline.
I neverreallywentonYouTubeunless I wassearchingforhowtodoelectricalworkinmyceilinglights, because I was a DIYgirl.
Then I wentonlineandthen I waslike, I have a lottosharebecause I'vebeendoingsomuchstuff. So I didthat.
Thatwasmylife. I kidyounot. For a fullyearthat's all I didfulltime. Now I'm a fulltimeYouTuber.
Thatisnothow I wanttolivemylife.
So I wanttogetbackintoacting. Myphotographythat I intendtodo--becauseitwaskindofthesamedeal--I was a photographerfor a bunchofclientslikealwaysshootingfortheclient.
I don't necessarilywanttodothat, although I don't mindithereandthere.
Formyself, personally I justwanttodosomefineartphotography. Projectsformyself.
Evenwiththeactingthing; again, if I actelsewhereit's goingtobetakingmeawayfrommychannel.
But I wasthinking, if I couldcomeupwith a webseriesconceptanduploadithere, then I'm stillhere.
Soyou'llstill--I willstillbedoingthethingsthat I lovehere.
I loveactionmovies. Asyoucantell, I'm verylike, I can't sitstill!
But I wanttodosomesortofactionweb-basedseries. Doyouguyshaveanyideas?