字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 10 years on the uprising against Muammar Gaddafi's four decade rule has shaped the lives of those who joined it, as have Libya's splits and frontlines ever since. 反對穆阿邁爾-卡扎菲4年統治的起義已經過去10年了,它塑造了那些參加起義的人的生活,正如利比亞此後的分裂和前線一樣。 Like Osama Ali Allegory, he was an unemployed graduate in the eastern city of Benghazi when the uprising began there in February 2011. 和奧薩馬-阿里-阿萊格里一樣,2011年2月起義開始時,他也是東部城市班加西的一名失業畢業生。 He soon joined E Thought I was fighting with the youth of the battalion against the injustice that we were told about from our fathers and grandfathers. 他很快就加入了鄂想,和營裡的年輕人一起對抗父輩們告訴我們的不公。 E. E. That summer he got a bullet in the leg from Gadhafi's forces. 那年夏天,他腿上中了卡扎菲部隊的一槍。 When he joined the assault on Tripoli. 當他加入攻擊的黎波里的時候。 His comrade was killed, and he is now paralyzed from the waist down. 他的戰友被殺,現在腰部以下癱瘓。 A jury who buys themselves livestock wanted more for Libya from those sacrifices. 一個給自己買牲口的陪審團想從這些犧牲中為利比亞爭取更多。 The February 17 revolution was stolen from the honorable Thea Honorable are dead and buried. 二一七革命被竊取的光榮西婭光榮都死了,埋了。 Those leading us now are the filthy ones who didn't even want the country. 現在上司我們的是那些連國家都不要的骯髒的人。 Shell and shrapnel holds scar Libya cities. 炮彈和彈片挾持著傷痕累累的利比亞城市。 This is Misrata, which Malik Sealy, Malmo Jai, then age 20 fought to defend against attack by Gadhafi's forces. 這就是米蘇拉塔,當時年僅20歲的馬利克-西利(Malik Sealy,Malmo Jai)為抵禦卡扎菲部隊的攻擊而戰。 He, too, was wounded that July losing a leg, he says few care now whether people like him get the help they need. 他也是在那年7月受傷,失去了一條腿,他說現在很少有人關心像他這樣的人是否得到他們需要的幫助。 Unfortunately, there was more attention in the beginning. 可惜的是,剛開始的時候關注度比較高。 There was excitement of the revolution, But then the wars happened and nobody cared anymore about those injured. 有革命的興奮,但後來發生了戰爭,沒有人再關心那些受傷的人。 In 2011, progress has stalled on education and the economy, he says, as well as healthcare. 他說,2011年,教育和經濟以及醫療方面的進展都停滯不前。 Unfortunately, the situation is how you see it. 不幸的是,情況是你怎麼看。 After 10 years of wars, the politicians who were entrusted with the task were not up to the standard. 經過10年的戰爭,被委以重任的政治家們都沒有達到標準。 Shamal Windy came from a family that did well under Gadhafi. 沙馬爾-風迪出身於一個在卡扎菲手下做得不錯的家庭。 His father was a diplomat, but he joined. 他的父親是一名外交官,但他加入。 The fight on was among those who stormed Gadhafi's Tripoli compound. 打上的是那些衝進卡扎菲的黎波里大院的人。 He was interviewed on television that day wearing an item had found that is known to all Libyans, Gadhafi's military hat, and he briefly became one of the faces of Libya's uprising. 當天,他戴著一件已經找到的、所有利比亞人都知道的物品--卡扎菲的軍帽接受電視採訪,他短暫地成為利比亞起義的代言人之一。 Windy now works in Tunis, and he is hopeful for change. Windy現在在突尼西亞工作,他對改變充滿希望。
B1 中級 中文 利比亞 光榮 加入 部隊 戰爭 攻擊 利比亞的革命如何改變了三個人的生活 (How Libya's revolution changed lives of three men) 8 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 02 月 18 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字