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  • Two men accused of leading Christian dominated militias in widespread attacks on Muslims in the Central African Republic will face trial Tuesday at the International Criminal Court.


  • Prosecutors say that Patrice Edouard and Gasana, Ah, former top African soccer executive, was a senior leader and national coordinator of the so called anti Balaka militias in 2013 and 2014.

    檢察官說,Patrice Edouard和Gasana,啊,前非洲足球高層管理人員,是2013年和2014年所謂的反巴拉卡民兵的高級領導人和國家協調員。

  • The 53 year old has been charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity, including murder, rape, persecution and torture.


  • Co accused Alfred Yucatan, a former militia commander, faces similar charges with additional counts for his alleged use of child soldiers.

    被告人Alfred Yucatan是一名前民兵指揮官,他因被指控使用兒童兵而面臨類似的指控。

  • Both men have said they're innocent.


  • The Central African Republic has been mired in violence since a coalition of mostly northern and predominantly Muslim rebels known as SELEKA seized power in March 2013.

    自2013年3月主要由北部和主要是穆斯林的反叛分子組成的聯盟(稱為 "SELEKA")奪取政權以來,中非共和國一直陷於暴力之中。

  • There.


  • Brutal rule gave rise to the opposing anti Balaka Christian militias after initial criticism that its investigation into the C.


  • A.


  • R was one sided with only anti Balaka leaders in the dock.


  • The I C C in January announced it had detained the alleged SELEKA leader too.


  • En gay sauna was detained in 2018 while in France on official business, his lawyer told judges at the time.


  • Ah French court approved his extradition on December 31.


  • He was controversially elected in as top executive of the Confederation of African Football in 2018, but it's no longer listed as a member on the C A F website.

    他在2018年有爭議地當選為非洲足球聯合會的最高執行官,但它不再被列為C A F網站上的成員。

Two men accused of leading Christian dominated militias in widespread attacks on Muslims in the Central African Republic will face trial Tuesday at the International Criminal Court.


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