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Price, Fifty Cents
The Dreamer 5
Varieties of Dreams 12
How to Evolve the Large Consciousness 37
Everybody dreams, but there are few who place any importance to the
phenomena of sleep. Before we can begin to comprehend or even analyze
dreams, whether our dreams are symbolic or otherwise, we must first
divert from our mind our materialistic conceptions of what the
individual called man really is. The external or physical man, is no
more the man than the coat he wears. The physical man is only an
instrument of which the real inner man or soul expresses itself in the
physical universe. Various materialistic theories have been given in
the past, trying to explain the mighty phenomena of dreams, but these
theories have always been more or less unsatisfactory. Why? Because
the-materialist tries to explain the riddle of human existence without
an individual human spirit his explanation will always be
Dreams afford a separation of soul and body. As soon as the senses
become torpid, the inner man withdraws from the outer. There are three
different ways which afford this separation. First, natural sleep.
Second, induced sleep, such as hypnotism, mesmerism or trance. Third,
death. In the above two cases the man has only left his physical body
temporarily, whereas in death he has left it forever. In the case of
death, the link which unites soul and body, as seen by clairvoyant
vision, is broken, but in trance or sleep it is released. The real man
is then in the astral world. He now functions in his astral body,
which becomes a vehicle for expressing consciousness, just as the
physical body is an instrument for expressing consciousness in the
waking state.
Consciousness is not annihilated when the man is in the Astral world,
it is only temporarily suspended. Just the same as in the case of
death. The man is fully conscious in the astral regions clothed in the
body of the Astral matter. This Astral body is in the physical and
extends little beyond it. The Astral world is here and now,
interpenetrating the physical, and not in some remote region above the
clouds as so many imagine.
* * * * *
Man is a soul. He has a body. He expresses himself in three worlds.
While he functions in the physical body, viz., physical, emotional and
mental worlds. Just as the Astral interpenetrates the physical the
mental interpenetrates the Astral. The Astral body in which man
functions during sleep is the body of emotions and desires and he
expresses these desires and emotions in the physical life.
* * * * *
The Astral body in which man functions during sleep is very subtle
matter. It resembles the physical. In fact, it is an exact
reproduction of it, but it can only be seen by clairvoyant vision.
When a man leaves his body in sleep or death, the spirit must leave
the physical body before it will be rested and recuperated to enable
it to undergo the strenuous daily toil of physical life.
Here is an example. Let a man go to bed say ten o'clock. Let him sleep
until six next morning. The ordinary man will awaken feeling refreshed
and ready for his daily toil. Let him go to bed at ten, lie awake all
night, next morning he will not feel refreshed and during the day he
may feel sluggish and sleepy. Let him go to bed and lie awake night
after night for a few weeks, what will be the result? He will be a
physical wreck. Although he may have the same amount of hours lying in
bed, he will not feel recuperated and refreshed unless he has had his
natural sleep and this can only come to pass.
When the soul or spirit withdraws from the physical body, the physical
body is not the man, and as long as our materialistic writers who
endeavor to interpret dreams fail to grasp the nature of the inner
man, the real self, they will be forever groping in the dark.
The first question that naturally arises in the mind of the layman is
this: How can a man leave his body in sleep and continue its natural
functions such as digestion, circulation of blood, etc.
We do not consciously direct the circulation of the blood, or any of
the natural bodily functions during our waking state. These things go
on whether we will them or not. Although the spirit leaves the body in
sleep as previously stated, there is still a magnetic connection with
soul and body. This magnetic connection acts on the sympathetic
nervous system and the cerebro spinal which controls the functions of
the human organism. In sleep the astral man may be in the immediate
vicinity of his sleeping recuperating physical body or it may be
thousands of miles away in space, the magnetic connection still exists
regardless of the distance. No matter what distance the astral man is
away from his physical body, he can return to it with the rapidity of
thought, as the saying is, for it is the soul that thinks, the brain
is only an instrument of the soul.
Many of our dreams may be attributed to subconscious memory, for when
our mind is centered on a certain train of thought these thoughts are
apt to filter through into the conscious state in sleep. The
subconscious memory cannot be truthfully called a dream, for it is
only a memory of something we have previously perceived in reality or
imagination. One only has to examine his subconscious dream in the
light of reason to eliminate them. Telepathy does explain some of our
dreams, for just as it is possible for minds to receive telepathic
communications (thought transference) from another in the walking
state, it is also possible for the so-called dead to have telepathic
communication with the living, for thought is a power, its limitation
is unknown.
While many of our dreams may be traced to subconscious memory or
telepathy and happenings of material affairs of our daily lives,
others are undoubtedly the astral happenings of the ego while
functioning in the etheric regions. There we meet not only the
misnamed dead but also many of those who are still in the physical
body, and let me state here that many of our difficult problems of
physical life are worked out in sleep.
The old axiom, "I will go to sleep on it," has a greater significance
than is generally attributed to it, for sleep and dreams have more to
do in shaping your lives than you have any idea of. You can go to
school in sleep and study anything you are studying in physical life
and make marvelous progress. This requires much training, however.
Keeping the mind free from evil thoughts is most essential to enable
the sincere investigator to enter that larger state of consciousness,
for the thoughts of our waking state have a more or less effect on the
ego during sleep. Every individual harbors a certain train of thought,
whether at business or pleasure this train of thought has a tremendous
influence on the ego, in fact it shapes ones destiny.
Choose well your thoughts for your choice
is brief and yet endless. --Anna Besant in Thought Power
Man may be said to live two lives in one, one when he is fully awake
and the other when he is sound asleep. These two lives, of course, is
the expression of his one existence. The highly developed, spiritual
man as he retires into the interior world during sleep, realizes a
state of spiritual bliss that is far beyond the stage of ordinary
mortals. Man has been in the habit of looking at himself as a mass of
flesh and muscle with a slight chance of realizing the Divinity within
him. As the earnest soul gradually arouses himself he finds his proper
place in the universe, for within him are all the attributes of deity,
and when he reaches the end of the long evolutionary journey that is
ahead of him he will find himself and know what he is destined to be,
a God.
In order to distinguish and classify the different kinds of dreams in
which everyone has an experience they may be divided into four
variations. Nearly all dreams may be classified under this heading:
1. Physical Stimulus.
2. Subconscious memory.
3. Telepathy.
4. The Actual Astral experience of the Ego or Soul in the Astral
Physical Stimulus may be the direct cause of impressing certain ideas
on the physical brain which may appear to be a reality. The falling of
a book, picture or any article in the room may cause the sleeper to
dream of firearms; a soldier may dream of a battlefield; a sensitive
female may dream it is a burglar; a person who throws the bed clothes
off him on a cold night may dream of snow and ice; the continual
dropping of water from a faucet in the room of the sleeper has been
the direct cause of a friend of mine dreaming of a passenger train;
the steady tramping of footsteps overhead may be the cause of dreaming
of thunder storms, etc. We must also take into consideration the
physical and mental environments of the sleeper.
The subconscious memory may be the direct cause of certain dreams.
When the mind is centered on certain things, the sleeper goes over his
life again and again in phantom fashion. He lives over the experiences
of his daily life. Very often the ego enlightens the sleeper of some
material thing for his own benefit, which he may use advantageously in
his waking state, but as he generally looks at the phenomena of dreams
as an hallucination of the brain, he allows many a golden opportunity
to slip through his fingers because the materialist's brain cannot
grasp things of the spirit.
All the knowledge and rubbish of our past lives is stored up in the
subconscious mind where it remains in minute form. Memory is only the
awakening of the sub-conscious mind, a long and forgotten incident,
that has made a deep impression on the mind, is apt to filter through
into the conscious state in dreams. In time of illness or when one's
vitality is low, the dream picture of the past is apt to play a very
prominent part in one's sleep. Childhood and long-forgotten scenes
come up frequently and appear as real and genuine as if they had only
happened the previous day. They frequently give the dreamer joy or
sorrow, according to the stages he passed through.
Even action of past lives may come up into the subconscious. Dreams of
running around nude without any feeling of shame may be the memory of
a previous existence. Falling from a high cliff or trees. Being chased
around by some wild animals may be attributed to a primitive past.
Dreaming of primitive people, places and things, only takes the
dreamer a step nearer the stone age, from whence he came. Instead of
looking at these subconscious dreams with horror and dread as some
people do they should study them and shape their lives accordingly.
Telepathy is a known and established fact. The connection between
minds without material means of any kind, has often been demonstrated
by the very simple method of one person acting as a sender, while the
other acts as a receiver. The sender thinks of a certain subject
selected before-hand. He may write it down on slate or paper. This
often helps him to keep his mind concentrated on the subject he wishes
to send to the receiver. The receiver places himself in as receptive a
position as possible, and Keeping his mind calm, the impression he
receives he makes note of. After a few experiences he may find the
message to be correct, word for word. This is telepathy.
In sleep there is often telepathic conditions between minds who are in
close sympathy with each other, such as man and wife, mother and
children, or people whose business brings them close together, may
exchange thoughts during sleep. For instance, in one case a mother
received the thought of her boy, who was away from home, telling of
his sickness. A few days later she received a letter verifying her
dream. A salesman dreams of a friend telling him of his company doing
a big business in a neighboring town. Upon his friend's return his
dream was found to be correct.
A lady in San Francisco (whose husband was in Australia) for three
successive nights, dreamed of his returning to America. She did not
expect him until early in the fall of the year. She was dreaming of
him in the spring. On the fourth morning after her dream she received
a letter telling her about his unexpected return. These are so-called
telepathic dreams, usually from minds of living people, although
telepathic connection from minds of disincarnate beings is possible.
The actual Astral experience in which the ego sees distant sights,
sights and visions which he knows do not actually exist upon the
physical plane, such as communicating with the dead, recovery of lost
and stolen property; having premonitions of a certain thing which
actually happens, such as approaching danger or death.
Above are but a few of the actual astral experiences of the ego which
it endeavors to impress on the physical brain. Sometimes it impresses
them by symbols, for symbols are the true language of the soul, and to
know how to interpret the meaning of the symbols of your dreams is of
the utmost importance to the beginner. A symbolic dream, which is an
actual astral experience, can only be interpreted by the dreamer
himself, for no one lives your life but yourself. The first impression
you receive intuitively, of a dream you see symbolically, is usually
correct. The reason the layman does not interpret his dreams
correctly, by following his intuition, is because he generally has
some material idea of his own concerning dreams.
Here is a dream that may be said to be an actual experience of the
ego. Taken from the Chicago American, July 17, 1920:
Dreams sons drowned; found bodies in river, Burlington, Vt.
The dream was responsible for the finding of the bodies of
George Raymond, Jr., 14 years, son of George Raymond, and
his uncle, Winford Raymond, in the Lamoille river at
Fletcher. According to Winford's father, the vision of the
boy's mother appeared before him in a dream and directed him
to look for the boys in the river. They had been absent from
home since Sunday. The dream was so vivid that the father
wakened and at 2 o'clock went to the river bank, where he
found the boys' clothing. At daybreak the bodies were
Here is a dream of the so-called dead who, many believe, exist in a
state of dreamless sleep or annihilation, appearing in a vision, and
so impressing on the astral brain of the sleeper where the boy's
bodies were, that he actually brought the vision or astral experience
through into the waking consciousness. Here is proof of a mother
looking over her children, even if she is separated from them through
the doorway of the tomb. No sane person today can actually believe the
tomb to be the doorway to the night of oblivion. Many of the misnamed
dead are present, and when we go to sleep at night we meet them and
converse with them just the same as if they were inhabiting their
mortal bodies.
We do not claim, however, that the dead are all-knowing; but free from
the physical bodies, the spiritually enlightened ones have a broader
vision of things, especially if there is a close sympathetic feeling
between the dead and the living, as there appeared to have been in
this case, for the conditions must be absolutely harmonious before one
may bring his actual astral experience into the waking consciousness.
An interesting case of the dead appearing in a dream was as that of
Mrs. Marie Menge, 15 West Schiller street, Chicago. Mr. Charles
Peterson, former lieutenant of the Danish army, was a roomer with Mrs.
Menge for a number of years. He had no relatives or near friends in
America. Mr. Peterson had been ill for some time with asthma and
finally was taken to the Hahnemann Hospital, 2814 Ellis avenue,
Chicago. In less than a half hour before she received the telephone
call telling of his death she suddenly awakened and told her husband
Mr. Peterson had appeared to her in a dream. She states, he appeared
in a white cloud and seemed well and happy. He died about 1:30 A.M.,
Saturday, March 18, 1921.
It was an easy matter for C. Peterson to appear in a vision to the
only one who had shown any sympathy and kindness toward him during his
illness, and his landlady being asleep, was functioning in her astral
body, which becomes a vehicle of consciousness, and as there was
sympathy between the two it was possible for her to retain her astral
vision in waking suddenly as she did.
The dead are not dead at all, as many imagine. This man is only
physically dead because he has lost his physical body. He is not
intellectually and emotionally dead because he has not lost that part
of his mechanism of consciousness which is the seat of thought and
emotion. The physical body only allows us to express ourselves in the
physical world, but it is not the man, any more than the clothes he
Extract from the Sunday Herald-Examiner, May 8, 1921:
Paris, May 7.--Can a ghost write poetry? You betcha, says
Baron Maurice de Waleffe, the French satirist, who tells of
a remarkable book of spirits' poems just published in Paris
under the title of "The Glory of Illusion."
Three years ago died Judith Gautier, niece of Theophile Gautier, and
left a collection of slightly--er--passionate novels and collections
of poems which were circulated among friends. One of these friends was
a girl, Judith's most intimate companion. A year after Judith's death
this girl dreamed a dream. In the dream Judith appeared and commanded
her to seize a pencil and write to dictation. The result was a series
of poems of an exoteric character which are triumphs of meter and scan
perfectly. They are published in the name of the girl friend, Mlle. S.
Meyer Zundel, but Mlle. Zundel says they're not really her works at
all, but were directly dictated by her dead friend. Previous to
Judith's death, Mlle. Zundel says she never wrote a line of poetry.
Here we have direct proof of an invisible intelligence directing this
young lady to write poems which she admits she never wrote before her
friend's death. The materialistic skeptic who is always ready to
interpret dreams as coincidences cannot call this a coincidence before
the testimony of such facts when they are brought to the eyes of an
intelligent public. The would-be interpreter of human existence
remains baffled and silent; they can neither deny these facts nor do
they dare to explain them.
Friday, May 6, 1921, Chicago Daily News (by Marion Holmes):
Dear Marion Holmes: I should like just out of curiosity to
get the opinion of some of your corner readers, as well as
your own, on the enclosed sketch of a dream I had when
working out west. About 26 years ago I was working in the
West near the mining country, and one night I dreamed I was
in a mining town, the name of which I did not know in my
dream, nor had I ever seen it in reality. I was crossing the
street to a store building painted white, and in my hand I
carried an envelope that I was to deliver to the boss of the
store. When I arrived at the center of the street I was met
by three men who were coming from the opposite side, one of
whom stopped me, saying: "Come with me and I will show you
where there is a gold mine." I replied: "I haven't time to
go now," but he insisted, "Well, come anyway and when you
have time you can go and get it." So I went. We started off
in the direction of what I have since learned is the richest
locality in gold mines and after walking a while we seemed
to float through space; then we came to the ground a few
feet from the top of the mountain. We walked up to the top
and again floated in the air in a semi-circle, landing at
the foot of another mountain a few miles to the west.
The stranger said: "I want you to note the peculiar
formation of this country and this stream and right here,
walking a short distance, is where you will find the gold."
About three months later I decided to return to Chicago, and
in the train I met a cigar salesman who, as we soon became
friendly, insisted that I should locate in one of the towns
on his route and gave me a letter to a certain friend of his
in the mining district. When the friend had read the letter
he wrote another to a friend of his own on whom I was to
call. As I went down the street I carried the letter in my
hand and as I crossed the street I stopped short, for the
store I sought was the store of my dream.
Three years ago at a summer resort where a company of us
were telling strange dreams, I remarked that the weak part
of my dream was that one of my guides was supposed to be a
dead relative of my own, and my mother remarked at once, "I
had an uncle, a prospector, who died out West in the mining
country, but nobody ever knew just where."
Dr. Peterson, the New York neurologist, in a recent magazine article
on dreams and their meaning, points out that many dreams thought to be
prophetic can be accounted for physiologically and avers that there
never was a purely prophetic dream. He would contend, no doubt, that
your waking thoughts having been a good deal engaged with Western
life, your dream carried the same train of thought straight through.
He would probably characterize the incidents of the rich mines, the
store and the relative as merely coincidental, yet as the writer of a
text-book on mental philosophy observes, to call such dreams
coincidences leaves the mystery as great as before.
It is evident Curious is not as curious as what he signs himself. If
he had investigated his dream he may have found it to his advantage.
* * * * *
Chicago American, February 24, 1921.
New Orleans, Feb. 24.--Because Capt. H.J. Ruffier, warden of
the House of Detention, dreamed there was a jail delivery
on, a general effort to escape from the prison was
frustrated. Forty prisoners confined in one big room, on the
Tulane avenue side of the building, were detected working at
the bars of a window and picking at brickworks under another
window when discovered.
This dream may be attributed to mental telepathy. The prisoners
evidently have been planning their escape for days. (Creating thought
forms.) It was possible for the warden in sleep, out of his body, to
be mentally impressed of the delivery and bring it through into waking
* * * * *
Chicago Daily News, February 24, 1921.
Huntington, W. Va.--Mrs. Mattie Estep was told in a dream to
write songs. She did so, and two of them were accepted and
published in New York.
Chicago Evening American, June 8, 1921.
Peoria is all excited today over the announcement by Benjamin H.
Serkowich of the Peoria Art League that a canvas painted by a woman in
her dream with the hand of the immortal and long since departed
Whistler guiding her brush, is on display at a local theater mezzanine
floor which gave space to the annual exhibit of the League.
Mrs. William Hawley Smith, wife of Dr. W.H. Smith of Peoria, is the
woman. She and her husband are among the wealthiest and most socially
prominent families in Peoria.
Dr. William Hawley Smith is well known as a student and writer on
sociological problems. Both he and Mrs. Smith claim to have frequently
received spirit messages from the dead. Several weeks ago Mrs. Smith
says she was sleeping soundly when Whistler appeared in a dream. The
famous artist commanded her to don her artist smock and get her
brushes, paints and palette; then she translated to canvas the
instructions he imparted, and frequently his hand guided her brush.
She worked feverishly all night, and in the morning awoke fatigued,
but the picture was finished.
Chicago Tribune, Saturday, March 12, 1921.
Dreams being led to hiding place of missing girls. Mother's
vision of her daughter comes true. Girl of my dreams. Sounds
like the title of a new song, doesn't it. The girl is Evelyn
Niedziezko, 17 years old. She lives at 3939 South Campbell
avenue. Last Wednesday night she disappeared from home. That
night and on Thursday night her mother dreamed of her. In
both dreams she saw her daughter enter a flat building. It
seems to her in her dreams it was on Cottage Grove avenue,
near 27th street. Last night Mrs. Niedziezko reported the
girl's disappearance to the police. Lieut. Ben Burns, to
whom the mother talked, asked her if she had any idea as to
where the girl might be staying. She told her dreams.
"Do you think it would be any use to go over to Cottage
Grove avenue and look around?" she asked. "I haven't much
faith in dreams myself, and I guess the police would think I
was crazy if I asked them to make a search on the strength
of a dream." Lieut. Burns believes in dreams and hunches and
such things, and he advised Mrs. Niedziezko to go through
with it. Mrs. Niedziezko went over to Cottage Grove avenue,
and walked around until she saw a flat building that looked
just like the picture that had come to her that night in her
vision. She had seen her girl sitting in a dining room of
such a flat. The house proved to be 2727, mystic numbers.
The family of William Llewellyn lives there.
Mrs. Niedziezko went to the Cottage Grove avenue Police
Station, and asked for help to search the flat for her girl.
She did not say anything about her dream for fear they would
laugh at her. Detectives Pieroth and Fitzgerald accompanied
her to the building. In answer to the ring Evelyn herself
came to the door. Evelyn had been visiting a friend.
The mother had, no doubt, been thinking daily of her daughter's
disappearance and unconsciously impressed the idea on the ego, and as
the ego carries out the impressions of our waking state, she actually
brought the knowledge of her astral experience into the waking
consciousness, and the intense desire on the mother's part was the
direct cause of her bringing the same experience through two
successive nights, showing the ego can impress on the mind important
information. The ego is also the source of premonitory dreams.
Chicago Evening American, Friday, March 25, 1921.
Christian H. Ronne, 60, president of the C.H. Ronne
Warehouse, 372 West Ontario street, dropped dead in the
Traffic Club on the eighteenth floor of the Hotel La Salle
two weeks after he had informed his son-in-law, C.A.
Christensen, cashier of the Mid-City Trust and Savings Bank,
of a premonition of death.
Chicago Evening American, Aug. 4, 1920.
Fort Dodge, Ia., Aug. 4.--Lieut. Homer Locklear, famous
stunt flyer, killed in a fall at Los Angeles, Monday
evening, had a premonition several weeks ago that he would
meet his death this summer, according to Shirley Short,
Goldfield Iowa, original Locklear pilot. Short was married
recently and is passing his honeymoon at his home. He left
Locklear in Canada three weeks ago and had planned to rejoin
him in a week. "For more than a year we went together doing
stunts," said Short. "During that time Locklear laughed at
the idea of danger until about a month ago. It was shortly
after I left him that he became depressed and told me
several times that he would get knocked off this summer. It
worried me because it was so unlike Locklear."
Chicago Evening American, June 11, 1921.
Washington, June 1.--How Lieut. Cleveland W. McDermott
penned a death poem in the plane in which he and six others
were crashed to death Saturday night was revealed here
It is the story of perhaps the most remarkable premonition of death
that ever has been recorded before the fatal flight. McDermott, who
was a seasoned world-war veteran and accustomed to hazardous flights,
wrote seven letters to as many friends. These he placed in the hands
of a fellow officer with instructions that they be mailed in the event
of his death. The poem was discovered in the lieutenant's personal
effects, written on a piece of scratch paper. It had been stuffed in a
breast pocket of his uniform. The writing was scraggly, due to the
vibration of the motors. This is the death poem:
Another hour and far away I fly; A last farewell to my friends I cry;
Then up to the rosy dawn in flight; A battle with the elements I must fight.
Lost in the fog and mist and rain; Tossed hither and yonder I strive in vain
To again win out as I have in the past; Little I knew this was to be my last.
Sharp crash, and my wings are broken back; Every wire is useless with too much slack.
Down, down I swirl and slip and spin; Thinking only of all my worldly sin.
The earth seems rushing up to me; While rigged crags raise their heads to greet
me. As twisting and twirling downward I swirl;
I bid a sad good-bye to a little girl. Lower down into the trees I crash;
My plane and I have gone to smash. Up from the Mass call me,
My untouched, unfettered spirit flies Straight to mother's waiting overhead.
Although no one, so far as is known, saw Lieutenant McDermott write
the poem, his fellow officers at Golding field pointed out today that
every indication points to it having been written during the hour
preceding the fatal crash. His first act following the premonition was
to write the farewell letters, said a fellow officer today. The poem
obviously was written under the vibration of engines, so it follows it
must have been set down during the last few minutes of his life. The
officer to whom Lieutenant McDermott intrusted the farewell letters
mailed them a few minutes after he heard of the fatality.
In this case the premonition seems to have served its purpose
advantageously. Death had no terrors for Lieutenant McDermott.
Chicago Herald-Examiner, Thursday, June 23, 1921
Dickinson, N.D., June 22--A dream in which he saw the spot
where his father's body lay led Raymond Everetts, 11, to
discover the body yesterday. Tom Everetts, the father, was
one of three section men drowned by a flood near Medora
Saturday. Several years ago the boy announced the death of
an aunt shortly before a telegram confirmed his prophesy.
When the ego impresses the lower mind of approaching danger, in dreams
or otherwise, it is simply for the individual to be prepared for what
is in store for him, just as a wise physician tells his patient when
the end is near to be prepared.
Miss Miller, 375 Brenner street, Muncie, Germany, had a premonition of
her brother drowning. She states:
"My brother was a great swimmer. Two weeks before he was
drowned I had a premonition of his death. In my dream I saw
him diving into the river. His head struck a rock, then I
saw his lifeless body float before me for three successive
nights. I told him of my dream. I begged him not to go
bathing, but he only laughed at me, saying, 'I can protect
myself in the water.' His death was the exact working out of
the premonition of his death."
The student of dream-lore knows the ego is ever watchful, and it
always impresses the lower mind when danger approaches. There are also
cases which appear to indicate when the ego is unable to impress the
individual. The information is often conveyed through another person,
as the above would indicate, who is sensitive enough to bring the
information in the waking state.
It is a very difficult matter for the layman to bring his actual
astral experiences into the waking state (but fortunately for us) any
faculty that is lacking may be evolved. It takes a very sensitive
instrument to register all that is seen, heard and done while out of
the body. It also requires physical, emotional and mental harmony, or
the dreamer is apt to mistake an actual astral experience for an
automaton of the physical brain, or vice versa. To what extent the ego
would guide us and warn us, if we were only sensitive and responsive
to the delicate vibrations sent down into the physical brain, it is
impossible to guess, says L.W. Rogers in his volume, "Dreams and
Premonitions." The extent by which we are guided and warned from the
ego depends upon how much we are not swayed by our physical methods of
artificial civilization implying the power to impress the astral
experience on the physical brain.
The habit of our scattering thoughts must also be brought under
control. One must be able to concentrate his mind on what he wants to
think about. Camille Flammarion says nineteen-hundredths of the human
family never think at all. They are merely shallow receptives for the
thoughts of others. As you acquire the habit of controlling your
thoughts and with the emotions well under control, then you begin to
turn the consciousness back upon self, and as the sleeper lays his
body down to rest he gives the ego an opportunity to impress itself on
the lower mind. Gradually the mind is brought under control. This
connects the two different states of consciousness. At first you begin
to see pictures, landscapes, faces, etc., only for a flash. Then you
will fall into unconsciousness. Once this state is attained, if
continued the rest will not be so difficult.
With practice, you will be conscious of yourself leaving your body,
conscious of yourself looking down on your body asleep, and seeing
yourself going on a journey to inspire a friend or to acquire some
knowledge of something you are studying in physical life. In this way
you make your nights, as well as your days, to be of assistance to
others. Your nights may be made useful even if you are not conscious
of yourself out of the body, by suggesting to yourself upon retiring,
that you will go somewhere, and meet some one and assist them in an
unselfish act. If you persist in your suggestion on retiring, your
spirit will go where you demand it to go, although you may not
remember your experience in your waking state.
Just as it is possible for you to render help to another in sleep, so
you can influence them for a good purpose. It is also possible for you
to influence another selfishly, and let me warn you here, if you do,
you are practicing black art, and as surely as night follows day it
will return and burn you as you justly deserve, so beware and think
well before you act. He who dabbles in occult teachings for selfish
ends treads on dangerous ground, and he will not attain his desires,
but rather the reverse. The unselfish soul who acts unselfishly can be
of much service to his fellow-man, not only the living but also the
misnamed dead, and they can often remember their astral happenings in
waking consciousness to the minutest detail. This requires rigid
The beginner will find it to his advantage, to resolve before falling
asleep that he will bring his astral experience through into his
waking consciousness. It is also well to keep a notebook at hand and
write down your dreams in the morning, if you cannot remember your
Speak to no one. Do not leave your sleeping chamber. Before the day is
many hours old your dream will come to you. In this way if the student
is patient and sincere he will, in time, be able to find out many
things of the invisible realm where his soul functions during the time
his body sleeps. I do not claim that our physical plane affairs should
be guided entirely by dreams, nor are dreams of the fortune-telling
variety to be relied upon. You must use your reason and judgment in
this the same as anything else, and only when the student has attained
to that point in his development where there is no break in
consciousness, may he be guided by the astral life. The mystic, and
sages, go beyond the astral life. They go into a state of
dreamlessness. Listen to what a great mystic said:
"In waking state we are conscious of the objective universe.
In dreaming we are conscious of the inner world. Then we are
of great help to the living, and also the misnamed dead. In
dreamlessness the true seer turns the light of consciousness
back upon itself and in its own light sees the gloom of
nothingness. Imagine for a moment the absolute non-existence
of the vast world devoid of sight and sound. What remains a
vast space. Imagine the vast space to be void of ether and
the subtle seeds of creation. Perfect stillness reigns
supreme over the ocean of universal space, beginningless and
endless. What supports it? It is supportless, soundless,
cloudless. He does not see. Yet he is not blind, does not
hear, yet he is not deaf. He goes beyond the feeling of time
and space. Every time the true seer enters a state of
dreamless sleep he enjoys the span of Ethereal Glory; his
consciousness is centered in the bosom of the Absolute."