字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Here's how to install Shade Er's from Minecraft Java edition. 下面就來看看Minecraft Java版如何安裝Shade Er's。 Use the clickable sections below to keep track of what step you're on throughout this video. 使用下面可點擊的部分來跟蹤你在整個視頻中的步驟。 To download shader is you'll need to install a Maude called Op Define. 要下載shader是你需要安裝一個叫Op Define的Maude。 Opt to find is a commonly used Minecraft optimization maude. 選擇尋找是一個常用的Minecraft優化maude。 It allows Minecraft to run faster and look better with full support for each detector's and includes various configuration options. 它可以讓Minecraft運行得更快,看起來更好,完全支持每個探測器的,幷包括各種配置選項。 Check the description below for a separate tutorial I'm downloading up to fine. 看看下面的描述,我下載的單獨教程,到細。 Once opt to find is downloaded, open the file. 選擇查找下載後,打開文件。 To do so, you will need to have job installed onto your computer. 要做到這一點,你需要在電腦上安裝job。 You'll need to head over to java dot com and install it from there after opening the file using java, just click on install. 你需要前往java點com,用java打開文件後從那裡安裝,點擊安裝即可。 After doing so opted, Fine is automatically installed into your Daw Minecraft folder and Minecraft launcher. 這樣做選擇後,Fine會自動安裝到你的Daw Minecraft文件夾和Minecraft啟動器。 You can open up the Minecraft launcher and make sure that opt to find a selected on the bottom left. 您可以打開Minecraft啟動器,並確保選擇找到左下角的選定。 Once it's been selected, click on plate and launch the game to make sure op define has been installed correctly. 選擇好後,點擊盤子,啟動遊戲,確保op define已經正確安裝。 Check the bottom left to your game screen to make sure it says Ma did this might not show for all the versions of up to find. 檢查你的遊戲螢幕的左下角,以確保它說馬做這可能不顯示為所有版本的up to find。 So there's another way to check Goto options than video settings. 所以,除了視頻設置外,還有另一種方式可以檢查Goto選項。 And if you can see a shader is option available, it means often find has been successfully installed. 如果你可以看到一個著色器是可用的選項,這意味著經常發現已經成功安裝。 If you click the shade eR's option, it will lead you to this page here. 如果你點擊陰影eR的選項,它將引導你到這個頁面在這裡。 This is where all the shader packs you have installed will be displayed. 這裡將顯示你安裝的所有著色器包。 You can click the Shade Er's folder option on the bottom left here to access the shade er's folder on your computer. 你可以點擊這裡左下角的影兒的文件夾選項,進入電腦上的影兒文件夾。 Or, if you're on Windows. 或者,如果你是在Windows上。 You can also go to the search bar on the bottom, left your desktop and then type percent upped at a percent, then hit enter. 你也可以到底部的搜索欄,桌面左邊,然後輸入百分之一的上浮,然後按回車鍵。 After that, you need to double click on dot Minecraft. 之後,你需要雙擊點Minecraft。 You can find all the files related to your Minecraft game here, including the Shader Packs folder, and this is where you need to add your shader packs. 你可以在這裡找到所有與你的Minecraft遊戲相關的文件,包括Shader Packs文件夾,這是你需要添加著色器包的地方。 There are many kinds of shader packs you can choose from. 有很多種類的著色器包可以選擇。 Once you've picked one downloaded and added to the Shader Packs folder, then make sure you have that shader pack selected in game by going to the shade er's option and video settings. 一旦你選擇了一個下載並添加到Shader Packs文件夾中,然後通過進入shade er的選項和視頻設置,確保你在遊戲中選擇了該shader包。 If you wish to use shatters with mods, all you need to do is that up to find to your Mods folder alongside your mods. 如果你想用mods使用shatters,你需要做的就是在mods旁邊找到你的Mods文件夾。
B1 中級 中文 minecraft 安裝 選項 文件 下載 點擊 如何在Minecraft電腦上安裝著色器? (How To Install Shaders On Minecraft PC) 45 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 02 月 13 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字