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catwalk shows maybe a distant memory.
But Loreal still had plenty to show off when it reported earnings.
The world's biggest cosmetics group beat forecasts for revenue growth in the fourth quarter.
Total sales for the period hit $9.5 billion.
Consumers stuck at home are seemingly still splurging on feel good treats.
Laurie ALS online sales surged 62% over 2020 reaching more than a quarter of all sales.
The company thinks that trend is here to stay, with online heading towards half of all sales now, closed hair salons and luxury stores remain a concern.
But the maker off long calm Maybelline and Garnier, among other brands, is looking forward to life after locked down that as pent up people rush out to socialize again, Chief Executive Jean Paul Agon predicts a fiesta for makeup and fragrances.
但製造商關閉長期平靜的美寶蓮和Garnier,其他品牌,正在期待鎖定後的生活,作為氣勢洶洶的人衝出去再次社交,首席執行官讓保羅 - 阿貢預測化妝和香料的嘉年華。
He says strong sales in China, where many restrictions have been lifted off for a sneak preview off what is to come.
Loreal sales there were up 27% over the course off last year.