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  • (Wailing) Bet you thought I was Bruce Lee!

  • Hi, it's Carl Kwan here and this is Presentation Quick Tip #7.

  • Now, it's a really good idea to begin your presentations with a question, as my buddy

  • Jonathan Li in Hong Kong recommended. Now, one thing, though, you do have to be

  • careful of is that sometimes people will not answer because either they don't want to,

  • or because they really don't know the answer. So there are three things you should do when

  • asking questions. Number one, ask the question but don't wait

  • too long for an answer. Number two, ask the question and then point

  • to someone specifically to answer the question for you.

  • And finally number three, ask a rhetorical question, a question that people already

  • know the answer to. Then that way, you're not wasting time waiting

  • for people to answer your question, in case they really don't know or they're not being

  • very nice and don't want to answer. So make sure you do use a question to start

  • your presentations, that's very good, but also be mindful of those three things.

  • That is Presentation Quick Tip #7. If you have any questions about this one,

  • please leave them below this video. Thanks for watching.

  • Talk to you again soon. Bye-bye.

(Wailing) Bet you thought I was Bruce Lee!


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演示快速提示#7 - 使用問題開始演示的3個技巧 (Presentation Quick Tip #7 - 3 Tips For Using Questions To Start A Presentation)

  • 50 14
    Hhart Budha 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日