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the 500 released new guidance Wednesday on mask wearing, telling Americans to masks are better than one, and if you Onley wear one, make sure it has a tight fit.
Researchers at the CDC in January conducted experiments to see how well wearing a cloth mask over a surgical mask and nodding the ear loops of a surgical mask and then tucking the excess material close to the face protects against Cove in 19.
They found that both of these methods helped reduce the exposure to potentially infected aerosols by more than 90% in laboratory simulations.
CDC Director Rochelle Wolinski New data released from CBC today underscore the the importance of wearing a mask correctly and making sure it fits closely and snugly over your nose and mouth nationwide.
疾病預防控制中心主任Rochelle Wolinski今天從CBC發佈的新數據強調了正確佩戴口罩的重要性,並確保它在全國範圍內緊密和貼合你的鼻子和嘴巴。
The daily tallies of new cases and hospitalizations from Cove in 19 have been dropping steadily in recent weeks.