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Hello everyone!
Welcome to Idiom 100, where we learn 100 commonly used idioms by native English speakers.
All of the explanations are in English, so it might be challenging for you,
but just try to imagine the meanings in your head and study hard and soon you'll be able to use these idioms in your conversations.
Is everyone ready? Let's begin.
Hello again!
Today's idiom is: learn by heart.
Learn by heart.
Can you imagine what this idiom might mean?
Well, you know the meaning of learn and heart, but learn by heart, that's interesting.
Let's picture your heart studying something and memorizing, learning something.
Is that possible?
Well, not exactly, that's why it's an idiom. Learn by heart.
Okay, so let's listen to 2 examples and try to think about the meaning of this idiom.
The first example is:
How did you learn to ride all the trains in Japan?
It took me a while, but after riding it everyday, I learned it by heart!
Okay, so he memorized it, but maybe he didn't exactly study, but he did it everyday and eventually he knew it.
Okay, let's listen to the second example.
What’s the hardest thing for the teacher on the first day of class?
Well, it's probably learning her students’ names by heart.
Ah, yeah, a teacher needs to know her students' names and maybe she studies the names or maybe she learns them gradually.
Not on purpose, but from usage. She uses the names a lot and they kind of go to her heart and she knows them, okay?
So, 'learn by heart' is to memorize for long-term
and probably it's something you didn't mean to study, but you just remember it for a long time.
For example, your phone number.
Probably, you didn't study: 555-..., you just remember because you used it so many times, okay?
And we call this 'learn by heart' or 'know by heart', to know.
For example, 'I know my mother's birthday by heart,' or, 'I know my favorite song's lyrics by heart,' okay?
So, next time you want to talk about something you know by heart, let's try to use this phrase.
Okay, that's all for today. See you next time!