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  • a long winter, hunkering down as we await brighter times.


  • Hope in the air with the rapid rollout of vaccines but no signs yet often early end to restrictions.


  • This remains a deadly virus, and it will take time for the impact of vaccinations to be felt.


  • So for now, we must all stand firm.


  • Winter will still be upon us at the next milestone, the 15th of February, when ministers review the England wide lock down.


  • By that date, the government hopes to have offered a vaccine toe everyone over 70 on all extremely clinically vulnerable people, regardless off age.


  • Boris Johnson will then set out his road map out of lock down in the week beginning the 22nd of February.


  • That is when Scotland is due to embark on a phased reopening of schools in England.


  • A longer wait Schools may begin to open from the eighth of March if the virus is abating.

    等待時間較長 如果病毒減弱,學校可從3月8日開始開學。

  • In an ideal world for the government, the spring blossom would herald ah wider easing of measures.


  • But the government has given itself leeway on its key goal, vaccinating the over fifties its place to do that before the end of spring, which is technically the 21st of June.


  • Good afternoon.


  • Thanks for joining US.


  • Government scientists say that vaccinating that group is crucial to easing pressure on the NHS as you go on to the next wave down to those of the 50 we have further inroads introducing death and also significantly reduce the pressure on the NHS.


  • Keen for an easing of some restrictions, Tory MPs want England to follow Scotland in a phased reopening of schools this month.


  • Way need to get our Children learning again.


  • England should lead by example.


  • Public Health England have said that primary schools are safe, that they have low rates off transmission.


  • So why not at least open the primary schools or a couple of years in the primary schools from after the February half term impatience amongst conservative backbenchers for movement behind the scenes Tory MPs are critical of the scientists for their caution.


  • You could almost feel the goalpost moving, one told me off the focus on vaccinating the over fifties.


  • I understand Boris Johnson has Bean sounding bullish in private about opening up Richie Soon.


  • AC, ever keen to see the economy moving, rarely misses an opportunity toe offer warm words toe backbench skeptics.


  • But friends insist the chancellor fully accepts the need to act cautiously in the face off a mutating virus.


  • It's a bed, john dot ecosystem one leading scientist urges caution.


  • I think if we learn from our previous two waves, the mistakes that one need, what opening things up too quickly on may be slightly too early on.


  • What we have to think about now is that as we take, there was more, most at risk, individuals out of circulation for the virus.


  • The virus will just simply move then and to people who are circulating.


  • And if we have large numbers of people 45 50 on what's circulating in the population with the virus, then the number of infections in that age group will rise on.

    如果我們有大量的人45 50上什麼是流通的人口與病毒,那麼在這個年齡組的感染人數將上升上。

  • The pressure on the NHS would not be alleviated just help at last, prompting natural feelings off elation.


a long winter, hunkering down as we await brighter times.


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