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  • Animal and environmental issue is obviously one of my biggest things but, the minute PETA

  • calls I�m always excited because there�s a lot of power behind PETA, there�s a lot

  • of passion behind PETA. And PETA�s a group that does things that other groups don�t

  • want to do. For me there�s a lot of admiration in that. The concept when I was talking to

  • the photographer, we wanted it to be something, I mean I didn�t want to make a dark ad but

  • I did want to shoot an ad that was more serious I think. I mean there�s really nothing tied

  • to this issue that isn�t sort of dark and needs to be sort of fixed in a big way. There�s

  • so many issues tied to the meat industry, I mean social, environmental, humanitarian,

  • all of them, and I know that when I�m eating that I�m not hurting the planet, I�m not

  • hurting other people in this planet, I�m not hurting animals, you know, and I�m not

  • hurting nature. I first saw the world across me: it was an interesting metaphor for the

  • way that I feel all the time. When we do feel the weight of the world, and truly the weight

  • of the world depends on us, you know, it depends on our choices and I wish that people would

  • pick up a book or watch a documentary and understand that their choices can really make

  • a difference.

Animal and environmental issue is obviously one of my biggest things but, the minute PETA


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A2 初級

美琪琪:以飲食改變對抗氣候改變 (Maggie Q: Fight Climate Change With Diet Change)

  • 271 19
    Hhart Budha 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日