Despite knowing that their demise is imminent, who went bravely leads the charge against the beast Titan and convinces his troops that it is better to die fighting rather than to simply wait for death and do nothing at the cost of his life in those of his men who in distracts the Titan long enough for good old Levi to take him down issue she'll talk about, Yeah, that guy number three Lellouche dies a villain to ensure peace, Cokie A solution The rebellion.
儘管知道他們的滅亡迫在眉睫,誰去勇敢地上司對野獸泰坦的指控,並說服他的部隊,它是更好地死戰鬥,而不是簡單地等待死亡和做什麼,在他的那些人誰在分散泰坦足夠長的時間,好老李維拿下他的問題,她會談論,是啊,那傢伙三號Lellouche死了一個小人,以確保和平,Cokie A解決方案反叛。