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  • to be awarded three Michelin stars is like I can't really think other than I mean, It's like winning a World Cup or or winning an Olympic gold medal.

    被授予三顆米其林星就像我不能真的認為 其他的,我的意思是,這就像贏得世界盃 或或贏得奧運金牌。

  • Its's the pinnacle, and it's a global recognition.


  • There's only seven women in the world with three Michelin stars just to give you an idea of how rare a is a Michelin stars air awarded to do with food.


  • Really, it's It's pretty much just the food.

    真的,這是... ...這幾乎只是食物。

  • That's what they say S o obviously quality of ingredient technique and also personality of the chef.

    這就是他們說的S o明顯的原料技術品質和廚師的個性。

  • Megan's really into her food.


  • In particular, she loves food.


  • She's very tuned into restaurants and what happens in our world and yeah, And then they approached me to do it, which was obviously something that was awesome for the team.


  • So good to be a part of the day, something that we'll all remember forever, I'd say absolutely get involved.


  • It's a brilliant industry to work in.


  • I've got almost 50% of my team are females, which is fantastic.


  • It makes a really good working environment, but both men and women comfort food.


  • My naughty pleasure is actually salt and vinegar crisps.


  • I love crisps anything savory, but I would say that my favorite meal is probably going to be a roast on plans for the future.


  • Opening a restaurant in Sydney in in April.


  • May time if we can keep it rolling forward.


  • But yeah, I just can't wait to get back Thio doing what we love on an entertaining people.


to be awarded three Michelin stars is like I can't really think other than I mean, It's like winning a World Cup or or winning an Olympic gold medal.

被授予三顆米其林星就像我不能真的認為 其他的,我的意思是,這就像贏得世界盃 或或贏得奧運金牌。

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