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  • - Hey. - Hey.

  • So, got us reservations for Sunday night, okay?

  • How about Ernie's at 9 o'clock?

  • Yeah, well, you, uh, better make it for three.

  • Oh, see, I -I don't know if we're gonna be hungry at 3:00.

  • Three people.

  • Joshua's not gonna be there.

  • - What happened? - Um, well...I think, I think he broke up with me.

  • No. Why?

  • Well...apparently, he scares easy.

  • Oh, Rachel, I'm sorry.

  • Well...that's okay.

  • Sometimes...things don't work out the way you thought they would.

  • - Come here. - Oh.

  • Well, hey, don't you have to go pick up Emily?

  • - Yeah. - Yeah.

  • - Are you okay? - Yeah.

  • I got my girls.

  • Okay.

  • Ugh.

  • - Oh! - Oh!

  • Hey, you know what might cheer you up?

  • What?

  • You know, I gotta tell you...this really does put me in a better mood.

  • Mm-hmm.

  • Oh, I wish there was a job where I could wear this all the time.

  • Maybe someday there will be.

  • Oh, God, that's Chandler, he's gonna come by and borrow some candles for his big date.

  • - Oh, okay. - No, no. Rachel, don't get it he'll see us.

  • No. Yeah. The groom cannot see the bride.

  • But, you're not gonna marry Chandler.

  • Not after this.

  • Okay, guys...just relax.

  • I do...

  • I gotta go.

  • Oh, no, Joshua. Joshua.

  • Oh.

  • Yeah, well, that ought to do it.

- Hey. - Hey.


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A1 初級 美國腔

Friends: Three Single Girls in Wedding Dresses (Season 4 Clip) | TBS

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    Miho Ishii 發佈於 2021 年 02 月 05 日