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-What is Source?
-Source is God
but it's not the God that you think of in terms of: it's the separate entity that's controlling life like chess
Everything that is, is Source energy it's just expressing itself differently
So, this Source energy behind me is expressing itself as a book.
The Source energy that is me is expressing itself in this body you see,
and it is all there is, there is nothing outside this.
because everything that is is this extension of Source energy
we are in
this very strange dimension where
we have free will but we're also
sort of living out
something that's faded.
I'll explain
To begin with
we are in the space of oneness.
This is before this life, this is in the very beginning
we are in this immense
space of non separation.
That Source, if you will, energy
had its first desire, its first thought you could say
and that was to know itself.
You have to know yourself from a concept of separateness
It's the same as, you can't stand in black and know black, you have to stand in white to know black
and vice versa
So, we are in these physical bodies, these separate physical bodies which is as separate as it gets.
so that we can gain awareness of what oneness is.
because of this
basically Source is knowing itself through absolutely every thought that's ever been thought.
This is how it knows what it is.
we are Source
So, in our lives we are living out
sort of...
we're doomed to think
we'll put it this way, we're doomed to think and we're doomed to desire
so that is a form of
having no free will
that's sort of being played, but we're being played by our very selves
because we are Source.
So, it's not like somebody else is
in control of us
we are in control of us, we've just lost touch with our Higher selves
but we have free will of choice of thought in this life.
-So, one can perhaps tap into their true self or Higher self and then, kind of regain complete control
and then you don't feel like...
you feel like it's you making all the decisions.
-People who
I guess, sort of pride themselves on being very logical or scientific
and they hear things like this, or they
analyze concepts like the zodiac, and they think it's just a bunch of random things
that we as humans just invent and then we find meanings in it, like finding shapes in the cloud...
-I would say that that's what science does
-What do you mean?
-All science is is looking around and trying to draw a line from one thing to the other
It is a more narrow minded than...
even the things that they think are
of limited scope, it deals with the three-dimensional reality which is not the only reality there is
basically, you get to wait and play catch up. If we were basing everything on science the world would be flat.
because science evolves, it continually evolves.
So we only are as advanced as our measuring instruments, which is pretty sad at this point
and you know... These tapes will exist far past I'm talking
and we will have the ability to catch up with what many esoterics are saying
and at that point we'll say: Oh!
That person who we all thought was crazy, just like the first person who said the world was round,
suddenly isn't any more.
-So, you feel that
science will one day will sort of
harmonize with
things at this point that
traditional science would look at as pseudoscience.
-Yes! Our science will become multi-dimensional
it's just very slow to catch up
-What is your overall view of where humanity is headed?
this is a course that everybody's very interested in because of this recent
onslaught of information about 2012.
We have a lot of people focused towards apocalypse right now and
people like me are so excited
I look around at everybody that's in my experience and say: Oh, this is fantastic!
We all came down for this exact moment!
This is why so many the personalities are very intense today
It's because we dove into a very, very catalytic time.
We looked at this and knew that it would be very rapid change
and, we're evolving as a species very fast.
We're at the point of the hundredth monkey I like to say
So, in science essentially, you'll watch x amount of years where
species basically
at least
stays the same
and then suddenly
it shifts
we're at that point as a human race
but this shift is going to be towards
it's very exciting to people like me
-Why now? Why is it happening now?
-Because it's a collective desire
Things happen on a grand scale when...
So, you're individually... you're evolving based on your desires
so you desire something
and out of that desire essentially, is born the means to achieve that desire
and when you finally get there, all of physical life will change in order to match
that changed frequency
'cause a desire, a new thought, is a frequency
which the physical must follow
So, this is the reason for species evolution
if collectively a species is wanting things that can't be satisfied through
their current physical structure or something like this
or current environment
either the species disappears or the species changes
So, we are at a point where the human race has
desired enough, that we are now
in the middle of that shift
We will
eventually, I think, not have physical bodies as a human race
That's way down the line but
this is basically the turning point
-It seems like the...
the idea about 2012
I mean, there is kind of a connection with like the Mayan calendar and things like this
as if this
this particular period in our history has been known about for some period
Is there any validity to that or did we just create our own self fulfilling prophecy?
-(Yes) (No), Well it's both!
That's why you know things, it's because you're basically creating it
the reason that people are so good at being prophetic is, they're just reading the vibration that is
we haven't deviated so much to not be a match to what is
this is why uh... if you're gonna go visit a future reading
a person who reads what your future is going to be,
it's only a future that's a match to you vibrationally now
When I sit with a person, I see three life paths for them at all times
humans who are practicing the same thought patterns don't tend to change enough
in their lives to make those
three paths
change often
so you can predict
just based on that
what a person's outcome is gonna be
but it's
just like gambling
if a person was going to change their vibration enough to attract
a circumstance like a car wreck into their life one day
and that car wreck changed the way they view the entire universe
they could change their vibration enough to change all three paths in their life
So, there's actually no such thing as a future that's decided for you
what they were doing basically, years ago
was reading the way that the vibration was and understanding what is a match to that
and that is the entire evolution of the human species
at this certain point
so yes they...
many people predicted this
-And...do you think... So do you think that there is more, I guess...
truth available now than there has been in previous...
Yes! because we're starting to awaken
the human race at large is starting to awaken
to the divinity within
and that opens you up to an entire... it puts you in an objective realm, basically
where you're able to view the fact that you create everything that is
once you understand that, life as it is changes
Our desires are different
we're no longer sitting down here on this planet worried about who's gonna get what country
our entire priorities shifts, so the human race shifts
-Are there other...I guess you could say,
are there other human beings that have gone through the same process in the history of the universe?
Are we the first and only?
-If it would have been done already on a mass scale then we wouldn't be doing it
It would already be done
-I mean like, another group of human beings?
Somewhere out on the universe
-Oh Yes!
-Have they gone through the same process?
-A similar process.
Subtitles by the Amara.org community