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hi everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech we have a lot of words today so I'm not
going to get into definitions we're going to jump right into the lesson our
我們將進入定義 我們將跳入課程,我們的。
words are shower sour sore and sure alright so for all of
these words here they're going to start with the S sound and to do this the tip
of your tongue is pointed towards the bottom of your mouth or it's behind the
top front teeth and that air is going to keep moving this is different than the
SH sound which is two letters that equal one sound and to say this sound your
lips are going to be puckered Shh your tongue is not going to be touching your
嘴脣要撅起來了 噓,你的舌頭不能碰到你的嘴脣
teeth that's going to be behind your top front teeth so the difference is my lips
are a little more pulled back and Shh for the SH again two letters one sound
now for the vowels this actually gets very confusing because of the spelling
現在,對於元音,這實際上得到非常混亂 因為拼寫
we are going to think of shower and sour as two beats and two syllables I did
break out the vowels for you just so that you could see the difference here
so for shower what we're going to do is we're going to move to that ow
vowel and you're gonna open ow and then pucker for that then we're gonna add the
er and to do that ow er you see your mouth is going to open
pucker and then your lips are gonna have to pull back into that square tense shape
for that er vowel for this vowel we are not touching our teeth with our tongue
at all for the R you can either point that tip down or flip it back so we have
two beats shall were shower shower shower and then for sour we're just
兩個節拍應是淋浴 淋浴 淋浴,然後為酸我們只是。
going to start with the s sour sour sour now for sore and soar you
are going to end with that or vowel sore and to do this you are going to
move your lips to a pucker and then pull them back and do square tense shape for
that er so let's give them all a try shower shower shower sour sour sour
那呃,所以讓我們給他們所有的嘗試 淋浴 淋浴 淋浴 酸酸的酸酸的
sore sore sore soar soar soar so yes these two words are pronounced exactly
sore sore sore soar soar soar 所以是的,這兩個詞的發音是完全一致的。
the same you might be asking what about the word show and for that we're just
going to have that long o and then what about shore and to do that we are just
going to start with that SH sound so we have show shower
sour sore soar shore so give it a try I know people are going to notice the
difference if you found this helpful we always love a like a share and
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options at tarle speech thanks so much everyone