字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 First things first, Wellcasters! 各位觀眾,首先請注意! If at any time your safety is in jeopardy, call 911 or this National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE. 如果你的安全受到威脅,請撥打 911 或家暴專線 1-800-799-SAFE。 There’s nothing more important than your health and well-being. 沒有任何事比你的健康與安全更重要。 What do you do if you’re in a romantic relationship with somebody who physically, emotionally, or sexually abuses you? 如果交往對象在身體、情緒、甚至性方面對你施暴,你該怎麼辦? It’s possible that you don’t even recognize the fact that you’re being abused. 其實,你很可能不自覺自己受到欺凌。 In fact, 28% of young adults have experienced violence in a romantic relationship. 事實上,28% 的年輕人交往時曾受到暴力對待。 Like healthy relationships, abusive relationships have ups and downs. 就像一般的交往,戀愛暴力也是有起有伏。 And it’s easy to write off the bad moments when you’re in a good one. 感情好時很容易就會忘掉之前的不愉快。 However, an abusive relationship is not a normal relationship. 但是,戀愛暴力並不是正常的關係。 And a strategy for ending an abusive relationship is fundamentally different. 而逃離恐怖情人的策略,有根本上的不同。 On today’s Wellcast, we’re gonna show you how to tell if you’re in this kind of relationship and how to safely get out of it ASAP. 今天的 Wellcast 要教你如何辨別恐怖情人及如何安全地馬上逃離這段關係。 Know this, you’re not alone. 你得知道,你並不孤單。 And there’s never too deep a hole that you can’t pull yourself out of it. 而且不會有一個洞深至無法將自己從中拉出。 Help is out there. 你不會求助無門。 You just have to recognize that you need it. 只要你認清自己需要幫助。 Step one: Admit to yourself that you’re in an abusive relationship. 第一點:承認他是個危險情人。 People often assume that relationships are categorized as abusive only if physical violence is involved. 人們總以為有肢體暴力才算恐怖情人。 This isn’t true! 才不是呢! There are many different kinds of abuse, and unhealthy relationships exist on a spectrum. 施暴可分為各種層面,而不健康的關係可用這光譜呈現。 It’s not always easy to determine if a relationship you once thought was healthy is cross[ing] the line. 有時候要去判斷一段你曾認為是健康的關係,是否已經超越正常的界限了,並不容易。 Here are a couple of warning signs you should look out for if you suspect that your partner is abusive. 如果你懷疑你的伴侶有虐待頃向,請注意以下幾個警訊。 We got these from an awesome resource that you should check out: loveisrespect.org 而這些警訊來自一個很棒的網站:loveisrespect.org ,你得去看看。 Do they constantly put you down, especially in front of others? 他是否常貶低你,特別是在眾人面前? Are they extremely jealous? 他是否醋勁十足? Do they easily lose their temper? 會不會常常暴怒? Do they try to keep you away from your friends or family? 會不會不想讓你接觸家人或朋友? Do they physically hurt you? 有弄傷過你嗎? Have friends and family members warned you about this person? 家人或朋友曾警告過你這人不太對? Two: Nobody deserves this. 第二點:沒人值得這樣被對待。 Everyone deserves to be safe. 每個人的人身安全都值得被保障。 In other words, build your army. 換句話說,建立你的軍隊。 Try to spend as little time as possible alone with your abusive partner. 盡可能別跟恐怖情人單獨相處。 Make sure your friends and family notice around you at this time. 與其相處時,確保家人朋友注意你的安全。 Have them call you to check in on your periodically, and always let them know where you’re going. 請他們定時打電話給你,確定平安,一定要讓他們知道你要去哪裡。 You’re also pretty emotionally vulnerable right now. 你現在情緒上也相當脆弱。 Use these people's support. 善用這些人的幫助。 Let them remind you why you should be treated well. 你得讓人告訴你,你值得被好好對待。 You deserved to be in a company of people who actually care about your safety. 陪伴你的人應該要真心關心你的安全。 After all, this situation is not your fault! 畢竟,陷入這種狀況不是你的錯! It has everything to do with your partner’s emotional problems. 這完全是你交往對象的個人情緒問題。 Something you cannot even begin to fix. 你完全無計可施。 Step three: Plan a safe break up. 第三點:安全的分手計畫。 Tell people close to you — family, friends — that you’re planning on getting out of this relationship. 跟親近的人如家人跟朋友說,你想走出這段關係。 Be as honest with them as possible and tell them that you’re going to need their help in the coming weeks. 盡可能對他們誠實,告知他們在接下來幾週你需要他們的幫助。 Next, figure out how you’re gonna deliver the news. 接著,想清楚要如何跟危險情人說。 If you’re scared of your partner’s reaction, you do not have to do this in person! 如果擔心他反應過度,甚至可以不用當面分手! Again, normal healthy relationship rules, do not apply here. 重申一次,正常交往原則不適用於此。 If you do decide to meet in person, please bring someone with you and do it in public. 若你決定當面說清楚,請找人一起去,並約在公共場合。 This should be a short conversation. 跟他長話短說就好。 Explain that you’re leaving and explain why... once! 跟他說你要分手,解釋原因,說一次就夠了! It’s your decision, not your partner’s. 這是你的決定,不是他的。 Don’t change your story, make excuses, or apologize. 不要改變立場、找藉口或是道歉。 Then, leave quickly. 然後,講完掉頭就走。 Take your army. Go do something that makes you feel happy and healthy with the people that you love. 帶著你的軍隊。與你愛的人做些快樂、健康的活動。 Four: Turn to someone who’s in a position to help you out. 第四點:向相關人士求援。 There are a lot of great resources out there for this type of situation. 有很多單位專門協助這種狀況。 Again, you don’t have to go through this alone. 記得,你不用孤軍奮戰。 Reach out to people you trust. 向你信任的人求助。 All the better if it's someone who has experience or ability to help you. 最好找有類似經驗或著有能力幫忙的人。 If you’re too scared to talk to someone you know, contact one of these three resources. 如果不敢跟認識的人說,可以聯絡以下三個資源。 Ahh! Well... that’s all for me to do, Wellcasters! 呼!嗯...大家,我能分享的也就是這些了! Would you do me a kindness? 麻煩幫我個忙好嗎? Subscribe to our channel. 訂閱我們的頻道。 Sign up for a newsletter to receive sneak peaks of another awesome stuff. 訂閱電子報以接收最新的酷炫知識。 See you later! 我們下次見囉!
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 情人 安全 恐怖 暴力 關係 家人 與恐怖情人說掰掰!安全分手守則 (Wellcast - How to Leave an Abusive Relationship) 38122 1317 Go Tutor 發佈於 2022 年 04 月 01 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字