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  • The European Union on Friday abruptly reversed a plan to use emergency Brexit measures to restrict exports of covert 19 vaccines from crossing the Irish border into the U.


  • K.


  • The proposal has sent shockwaves through Northern Ireland, London, on Dublin in a steep escalation of the EU's fight to secure vaccine supplies.


  • Brussels has said it would trigger clauses in the Northern Irish Protocol to prevent the vaccines from moving across the open border between EU member island on the British run province.


  • Following an outcry in London, Belfast and Dublin, the E published a statement just before midnight saying it would ensure that the Northern Ireland Protocol designed to keep the border open would not be affected.


  • It warned, however, that should vaccines and active substances moved toward third countries on out of the block, it would use quote all the instruments at its disposal.


  • Island said the use change of heart was welcome but the lessons should be learned.


  • The use original plan was intended to prevent the open border between EU member island on Northern Ireland from acting as a back door for vaccine supplies into the UK.


  • The public reversal followed around of frantic calls his British prime minister, Boris Johnson, told you Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, off his grave concerns the Northern Irish Unionists cast the use original plan as an act of hostility.


  • In a tweet late Friday on DeLay and said she'd spoken to Johnson, She said they quote agreed on the principle that there should not be restrictions on the export of vaccines by companies where they're fulfilling contractual responsibilities.


The European Union on Friday abruptly reversed a plan to use emergency Brexit measures to restrict exports of covert 19 vaccines from crossing the Irish border into the U.


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