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  • Welcome to the pronunciation lesson with Ronnie. That took me a bit, but I've gotten it now.

  • Today, I'm going to teach you the differences between one, two, three, four letters in English

  • that are very difficult. But after you hear and see this lesson, it's going to be a lot

  • easier for you. Again, with most letter sounds in English, the reason why it's so difficult

  • is because in your language, maybe you do not have this sound at all. Or the sounds

  • in your languages are very, very similar. So instead of saying a P, it's a mix between

  • a P and an F.

  • So let's go through one thing that's very, very important when you're learning any word

  • that you're going to say, and it is what I've written in blue here: unvoiced and voiced.

  • Do you know what the difference is between "unvoiced" and "voiced"? I will teach you.

  • What you've to do is you have to put your hand on your throat. Not too hard. Don't kill

  • yourselves. And you're going to make this sound. Just the letter. You're going to "puh,

  • puh, puh." Now, when you make the "puh" sound, you've to be careful of two things. The first

  • one is your mouth. What is your mouth doing? Okay? When you make the P sound, your lips

  • have to go together and blow out like you're smoking. So it's "puh, puh". Okay? I like

  • to call this "kiss mouth". So when you make a kiss mouth, it's like you're going to kiss

  • someone. You go, "puh". Or you can call it a "smoking mouth". It doesn't matter. When

  • you are saying the P sound, you're going to make your kiss mouth, "puh"; you're going

  • to put your hand on your throat; and you're going to realize that your throat or your

  • vocal cords do not vibrate. So try. "Puh, puh". You should not feel any vibration in

  • your throat. This non-vibration is called "unvoiced". So if something is "unvoiced",

  • it means it does not vibrate in your throat. So "unvoiced" means no vibration. Okay? So

  • the P sound is a kiss with no vibration.

  • Let's look at an example of a "voiced" letter. We're going to make the same mouth style,

  • and we're going to blow a kiss or a smoke. But the difference between the P "puh" and

  • the B, is that when we make the B sound, you have to vibrate your throat or your vocal

  • cords. So you have to go "buh, buh, buh". Your lips are making the same movement, but

  • the vocal cords are going to vibrate. So try this. "Buh, buh, buh." Then, if you do it

  • without voicing it, it's "puh, puh, puh". So your lips are making the same movement,

  • but your vocal cords vibrate and do not vibrate. So if it's voiced, it means that your vocal

  • cords vibrate.

  • The next letter that a lot of people have problems with is the F. Now, when I make the

  • F sound -- "fff, fff" -- I need to do something very important. I need to take my teeth and

  • stick them out over my bottom lip. I like to call these "beaver teeth". Have you ever

  • seen a beaver? Do beavers have teeth? Sometimes, the animal beaver has teeth. And beavers have

  • very predominant -- very big front teeth because they chew trees. So when I say "beaver teeth",

  • I mean you stick your teeth out like a beaver. Okay? So this sound is very different from

  • the P and the B sound because first of all, your mouth is making a different position.

  • So when you make the F sound, your teeth are out, and it is unvoiced. So again, you're

  • going to put your hand on your throat and go "fff". The air is going to come out at

  • the bottom of your teeth between your bottom lip and your top teeth. So it's "fff". It

  • feels like you're pushing the air down. "Fff." With the P and the B, you're pushing the air

  • out like you're smoking. With the F, the air is going down. So try. "Fff, fff, fff."

  • When we say the V sound or the "vuh", again, we're going to have beaver teeth. So you're

  • going to stick your teeth out, except this time, it is voiced. So like the F sound, same

  • mouth position, but you must vibrate your vocal cords. So it's "vuh, vuh, vuh." This

  • is rather difficult, so I suggest you practice. "Vuh, vuh, vuh." It might take a little bit

  • of time and a little bit of practice for you to get it. But the important thing for you

  • to understand is that F does not vibrate, and "vuh" vibrates.

  • So a lot of people maybe have problems with the B and the F, okay? So you've to look at

  • this. The B is a kiss mouth, "buh, buh". And the F is a beaver mouth, and it's "fff, fff".

  • We're going to go through some exercises to help you say these words even though they're

  • very difficult. Let's check it out.

  • The first one, remember, mouth like a kiss or like you're smoking. And it's going to

  • be unvoiced, and you say, "Puh, puh, pan. Pan. You can smoke a pan." Good.

  • The next one, we're going to voice it. So it's the exact same ending, but it's "buh,

  • buh, ban". So we have, "pan, ban." The ends of these words will vibrate. So you have to

  • be careful. You want to listen to the beginning of the word. So it's "puh, puh, pan and buh,

  • buh, ban." You try. "Pan, ban." Good.

  • Then, we have the F word "fan, fan." So you're going to want to stick your teeth out and

  • blow the air down and say "fan". Again, with the voiced sound, you're going to want to

  • stick your teeth out. You're going to vibrate your vocal cords and say "van, van." Try these

  • two together. "Fan, van, fan, van." Try this one. "Pan, fan." Beaver mouth -- sorry. Kiss

  • mouth, "pan". Beaver teeth, "ban". "Pan, fan." Let's try these ones. "Ban, van. Ban -- out.

  • Van -- down." So when you guys do these two together, it's also difficult. So we have

  • to practice the sounds.

  • Let's look at another example of the P, the B, and the F. The first one we have, again,

  • is "puh, puh, puh". So we say "puck, puh-uck, puck." The next one we have with the B sound

  • is "buh, buh, buh, buck. Buck." So we have "puck" and "buck".

  • Question mark! We have a word that rhymes with "puck" and "buck", and it starts with

  • an F. So you can say, "fff-uck, fff-uck." Try this. "Fff-uck, buh-uck, puh-uck." Don't

  • say a bad word.

  • And the last two that we're just going to contrast the P and the F. These are difficult,

  • especially if you're a Korean speaker. So you want to be careful. It's "pork". You're

  • going to blow a kiss or have a cigarette. "Pork." Something you eat with your pork is

  • your "fork, fork." "Pork, fork. I eat pork with a fork. Do you like pork? I have a fork.

  • I eat pork with a fork." Ta-ta, for now.

Welcome to the pronunciation lesson with Ronnie. That took me a bit, but I've gotten it now.


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A2 初級 美國腔

如何正確的發出並分辨P,B,F,V的音 (Speaking English: How to say P, F, B, V)

  • 4258 763
    Hung-Ming Chien 發佈於 2014 年 07 月 20 日