字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Light, crisp, and salty, potato chips are one of the most iconic snacks around the world. 輕盈、酥脆又鹹香,洋芋片是全世界最具代表性的零食之一。 Snack companies have expanded beyond just plain chips by adding seasonings to create flavors that resemble foods from various cultures and regions. 零食廠商藉由添加調味料到平淡無奇的洋芋片上,創造出能夠代表各種不同文化與地區的食物口味。 Let's take a look at potato-chip flavors from around the world. 現在就讓我們來看看全球各地都有些怎麼樣的洋芋片口味吧。 Potato chips in Thailand can be served on a stick if you're buying them from street vendors. 你可以在泰國的路邊攤買到用長棍串起來的洋芋片。 The peeled potato is skewered and cut into a spiral, which gives it an accordion look. 他們將削好的馬鈴薯串起來之後切成螺旋狀,讓它看起來就像是個手風琴一樣。 The chips are then fried in oil to give them a nice crisp taste and seasoned before serving. 接著馬鈴薯被丟進油鍋中油炸,賦予它們酥脆的口感,並在食用前才進行調味。 These ridge-cut Lay's resemble the famous hot-pot soup that originated in China. 這些切成波浪狀的樂事洋芋片口味類似來自中國的著名火鍋。 The chips have a roasted-chili scent and a bouillon-type flavor. 這種洋芋片有著燒烤辣椒的香氣,以及肉湯般的味道。 As you work your way through the bag, you will start to feel the numbing and spicy sensation of the Szechuan peppercorns. 隨著你越吃越多,會開始感受到花椒所帶來的麻辣刺激。 Oh! Oh, wow, this is spicy! 噢!噢,哇,這真的很辣! In Canada, you can find unique Lay's flavors like roast chicken or fries and gravy. 在加拿大,你可以找到像是烤雞肉與肉汁薯條等特別的樂事洋芋片口味。 The roast chicken Lay's actually do smell like roasted chicken, but taste more like turkey, and the flavor isn't very strong. 烤雞肉樂事洋芋片聞起來就像真的烤雞一樣,但吃起來味道更像火雞,而且味道沒有那麼強烈。 The fries and gravy flavor represents a popular Canadian dish called poutine. 肉汁薯條口味則是致敬加拿大人非常喜愛,叫做肉汁乾酪薯條的一道菜。 The taste of the chips is compared to dipping steak fries into warm gravy. 薯條的味道被描述為像是把厚切薯條沾上溫熱的肉汁吃下肚一樣。 They really do taste like some freaking fries and gravy! 吃起來真的有像肉汁薯條欸! While each flavor tastes good on its own, combining them is even better. 雖然兩種味道單獨吃就很棒,但合起來就更讚了。 These two together, I give this a freaking five! 這兩個加在一起,我給五顆星滿分! Hell, yeah! 太讚啦! These potato chips are based off Sovietsky cheese, a type of Swiss cheese that was created in Russia. 這些洋芋片有著蘇維斯基起司口味,而它是種俄羅斯產的瑞士起司。 The texture is similar to a baked Lay's, so it's softer, thicker, and less greasy than other chips. 它的口感類似樂事的烘焙洋芋片,所以其它的洋芋片更加柔軟、厚切,且較不油膩。 There is not a strong scent to the chips, but there is a rich and creamy cheese flavor. 洋芋片聞起來並沒有特別強烈的味道,但是吃起來有著濃郁且綿密的起司風味。 Honey-butter chips are an all-time favorite in South Korea. 蜂蜜奶油洋芋片一直是韓國人的最愛。 These chips have a slightly honey flavor mixed with a creamy butter taste, which gives the perfect balance of sweet and salty. 這種洋芋片有著些許蜂蜜的香味,混合著綿密的奶油口味,在鹹味與甜味之間達成了完美平衡。 The chips come in different shapes and sizes, but these particular honey-butter chips are shaped like a French fry and are very crispy. 這些洋芋片有著不同的形狀與大小,而其中有一種蜂蜜洋芋片長得就像薯條一樣,口感非常酥脆。 The hollow middle makes the chip lightweight, and, if you're not careful, you might eat a whole bag in one sitting. 它的中空形狀使得洋芋片變得非常的輕盈,一個不小心就會坐著把一整包給全部吃光。 Tayto was the first company to add seasoning and flavor to its crisps. Tayto 是第一家在洋芋片上添加調味料與不同口味的公司。 Two popular Tayto crisp flavors are wuster sauce and prawn cocktail. 伍斯特醬和鮮蝦雞尾酒是兩個最受歡迎的 Tayto 洋芋片口味。 The wuster sauce flavor tastes sweet and is similar to ketchup with a hint of vinegar. 伍斯特醬口味吃起來甜甜的,有點像是加了點醋的番茄醬。 The prawn cocktail flavor is tangy like cocktail sauce and has a hint of seafood. 鮮蝦雞尾酒口味則有著香濃的雞尾酒醬汁風味,並且帶有點海鮮的香氣。 The texture of both crisps is light, flaky, and salty. 兩種洋芋片的口感都輕盈、易碎且鹹香。 Chocolate and potato chips may not be the first snack combination that comes to mind, but these Calbee dark chocolate potato chips are the perfect mix of sweet and salty. 巧克力和洋芋片聽起來不是什麼常見的零食組合,但由 Calbee 出品的黑巧克力洋芋片完美的融合了甜味與鹹味。 These ridge-cut chips are drizzled in dark chocolate, which gives a cool sensation when you bite into the chip. 這個切成波浪狀的洋芋片上面沾著黑巧克力,在你咬下洋芋片時帶來全新感官體驗。 Calbee chips are so popular in Japan that there's even a Calbee store in Harajuku that serves fresh potato chips. Calbee 的洋芋片在日本大受歡迎到原宿甚至開了一家販賣現炸洋芋片的 Calbee 專門店。 Before being sold as a packaged snack, Irvins Salted Egg Potato Chips were served as a side dish on a restaurant menu. 在被包裝成零食販賣之前,Irvins 鹹蛋黃洋芋片本來是菜單上的配菜料理。 Since then, the demand for the chips has exploded. 在這之後,大家對這種洋芋片的需求暴漲。 You can see the curry leaf and chili seasoning on the surface of the chip. 你可以在洋芋片的表面上看到咖哩葉與辣椒調味料。 The egg yolk gives the chip a bold flavor and slightly grainy texture. 鹹蛋黃給了洋芋片一種突出的風味,以及沙沙的口感。 The chip is also light, airy, and oily. 洋芋片輕盈、清脆且富含油脂。 These Malaysian Mister Potato crisps reflect the healthy-snack trend that is being popularized around the world. 這些來自馬來西亞的馬鈴薯先生洋芋片反映出了風行了全世界的健康零嘴風潮。 These purple potato crisps are all-natural, which means there's no artificial flavors or coloring. 這些紫色的洋芋片以全天然工法製成,完全不含任何人工香料或是色素。 The texture and crunchiness are similar to a Pringle, and there's a subtle sweetness to the crisp. 它的口感和酥脆程度與品客洋芋片類似,而洋芋片本身帶有著些許甜味。 Bret's crisps are made without coloring, dyes, or preservatives. Bret 洋芋片完全沒有添加任何色素、染料或是防腐劑。 The chorizo and roasted pepper crisps have a strong smell of pepper and garlic. 它的西班牙臘腸與燒烤彩椒洋芋片有著彩椒與大蒜的強烈香氣。 The crisps are ridge-cut and covered with flakes of red pepper. 洋芋片被切成波浪狀,撒上紅辣椒片。 They taste like paprika with a hint of meat. 味道吃起來有著彩椒以及一點點的肉類香氣。 Mac 'n' cheese and spag bol are two flavors of Bluebird potato chips found in New Zealand. 起司通心粉與肉醬義大利麵是紐西蘭青鳥牌洋芋片的兩種口味。 Bluebird chips are ridge-cut, making them firmer and crunchier than most potato chips. 藍鳥牌洋芋片被切成波浪狀,讓它們比大多數的其他洋芋片還要更加紮實且酥脆。 If you're a cheese fan, the mac 'n' cheese chips are for you. 如果你熱愛起司的話,那你一定會愛上起司通心粉口味。 They smell like cheese puffs and have a strong taste of cheese. 它們聞起來就像是起司泡芙,並且有著濃烈的起司風味。 The spag bol flavor is based off a spaghetti dish, but has a funky smell. 肉醬義大利麵則是取自義大利麵的口味,但聞起來有些奇怪。 The chips taste like ground beef and tomato sauce, and have a bold oregano flavor. 這種洋芋片吃起來像是牛絞肉和番茄醬汁混和的味道,並且有種強烈的牛至 (奧勒岡葉) 香氣。 The potatoes used to make Bluebird chips are sourced locally from farmers in New Zealand. 用來製作青鳥牌洋芋片的馬鈴薯全都來自紐西蘭的農場。 These chips are based on a Romanian creamed-chicken dish called ciulama de pui. 這種洋芋片取自一種在羅馬尼亞稱作 ciulama de pui 的鮮奶油雞肉料理。 The chips are thin, greasy, and have a garlicky smell. 這種洋芋片薄脆、油膩且有著大蒜香氣。 They have a creamy chicken taste with a touch of heat from the paprika seasoning. 它們吃起來有著綿密的雞肉風味,並且帶了點來自紅椒粉調味料的香辣口味。 Lamb and mint is a popular flavor for crisps in Wales. 羊肉佐薄荷醬是在威爾斯相當受歡迎的洋芋片口味。 These crisps are thicker and larger than most potato chips and are covered in flecks of mint leaves and seasoning. 這種洋芋片比大多數其他的洋芋片還要來得更大更厚,上面佈滿了薄荷葉碎片與調味料。 They have a strong herb scent and taste like roast lamb with a hint of mint. 它們有著濃烈的草藥香氣,吃起來就像是烤羊肉配上一點點薄荷一樣。 These Australian kettle chips are full of complex flavor and are firm and crunchy. 這種澳洲的手工切片洋芋片有著複雜的口味,而且紮實而酥脆。 The honey soy chicken chips are seasoned with pepper flakes to give them a slight kick. 蜂蜜醬油雞肉洋芋片上面有著紅辣椒片,帶來了輕微的辛香刺激。 The taste is a mix of soy sauce, honey, and fried chicken. 味道吃起來像是混合了醬油、蜂蜜以及炸雞。 These crisps are based on haggis, the national dish of Scotland. 這種洋芋片的口味來自蘇格蘭國菜:肉餡羊肚。 Haggis is a meat pudding made from sheep's organs, oatmeal, and spices. 肉餡羊肚是一種由羊的內臟、燕麥與香料製成的肉餡布丁。 The ridge-cut crisps are firmer than other potato crisps and have less of a haggis flavor and more of a barbecue-vinegar taste. 這種切成波浪狀的洋芋片比其他的洋芋片來得更加紮實,味道吃起來不太像肉餡羊肚,反而更像是醋味較重的烤肉醬。 Bohemia is one of the top-selling crisp brands in the Czech Republic. 波西米亞是捷克賣得最好的洋芋片品牌。 Most of the potatoes used to make Bohemia crisps are sourced from Czech farmers. 用來製作成波西米亞牌洋芋片的馬鈴薯大多產自捷克當地的農夫。 These crisps are covered with flakes of green onion and have a bold sour cream taste. 它們的洋芋片上面灑滿了青蔥片,而且有著強烈的酸奶油味道。 They're also prepared with sunflower oil, which gives them a light, crispy texture. 他們還以葵花油來油炸,給洋芋片更加輕盈而酥脆的口感。 These Lay's Kobe beef chips are a special flavor that was found in Taiwan. 樂事的這款神戶牛排洋芋片是台灣限定的特殊口味。 The chips have a strong steak smell mixed with a variety of spices. 這種洋芋片聞起來有著強烈的牛排香氣,混合了多種不同香料。 They have a soft crunch and a slightly tangy taste, but they're missing a grilled flavor. 這種洋芋片有著清脆的口感以及略為濃郁的口味,但缺乏了燒烤的香味。 Oreada potato chips are both wavy and ridge-cut, which gives them a firmer texture. Oreda 洋芋片被切成略微彎曲的波浪狀,讓它有著更加紮實的口感。 Because of their shape and texture, the chips are crunchier than most potato chips. 因為這種形狀與口感,這種洋芋片比其他大多數的洋芋片都要更加酥脆。 These chicken chips have a roast-chicken smell but taste like a plain potato chip with a slightly meaty flavor. 它們的雞肉口味洋芋片有著烤雞的香味,但吃起來就像是帶有些微肉味的原味洋芋片。 So, which potato-chip flavor do you want to try? Are there any we missed? 所以你最想要嘗試看看哪種洋芋片口味呢?有我們沒有提到的嗎? Let us know in the comments below. 在下面的評論區中告訴我們吧。
B2 中高級 中文 薯片 味道 芯片 口味 肉汁 口感 最想要嘗試看看哪種洋芋片口味呢?細數世界各地的薯片 (Potato Chips Around the World) 10074 212 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 10 月 19 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字