When thinking about America's place in the world, in our foreign policy, your knowledge, your experience, your generosity was the springboard that brought me and landed me here today, two decades later, a za proud husband, I watched my wife, Evan Ryan, lead the Bureau of Educational Cultural Affairs, and I gained an even deeper appreciation for how people to people exchanges bring our world closer together and convey the best of America to the world, especially to its young people.
當思考美國在世界上的地位,在我們的外交政策中,你的知識,你的經驗,你的慷慨是將我帶到這裡並讓我今天在這裡落腳的跳板,二十年後,一個za自豪的丈夫,我看到我的妻子Evan Ryan上司教育文化事務局,我更加深刻地體會到人與人之間的交流如何使我們的世界更加緊密,並將美國最好的東西傳達給世界,特別是年輕人。