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(upbeat music)
- [Jon] How bad is that?
- I think this is the worst one that we've seen.
This is dry vermouth. - Oh my God.
- [Mia] Dry vermouth should look clear.
(intense music)
Anybody want to drink that?
(intense music)
- Why don't we all take a quick peek in the kitchen?
Let's see what's going on in there.
(intense music)
Much better.
- We took all these out, completely out
and cleaned the walls.
- This is a good start, you agree?
- I agree.
- You can breathe in this room now.
- Yeah. - Yes, yes.
- Let's take a walk through real quick.
- All right, let's go.
- We stayed till the wee hours last night,
the staff was incredible
and was happy to have Jon come in,
and see the work we put in.
- Come on in.
It stunk when I stood here before now it doesn't.
(intense music)
(intense music)
What is this?
(intense music)
We've got a serious problem here guys.
- Oh man! - Wow!
- Look at that, they're going up the whole damn wall.
(intense music)
Your building is coming down in front of us
for Christ sakes.
Just when I thought we were clean all ready to train,
wham mo, I get hit with something else.
Now we have another roadblock.
We gotta leave the building.
Let's get an exterminator in here.
Let me get this assessed
and let's see what the hell we can do about this guys.
This is a huge problem.
This bar is infested with ants.
I have to call an exterminator, see if I can solve it
and if I can even train inside.
What do we got?
- Argentine ants, so they're foraging.
They're just trying to invade the bar.
So we gotta go ahead and treat the exterior.
- Okay. - And then treat the interior.
- No issues selling food in here once you guys are done?
You can get this under control, it's safe?
- Everything will be safe. - Okay.
- Good news. - Problem solved.
Thank you guys.
Thankfully, I had a great exterminator come.
We did eradicate the problem.
(intense music)
- They're gone.
- So I wanna to go to work because tonight
I still have to have a stress test.
- [Jon] This is more of an age fashion than an old fashion.
- Oh, hold on.
Wait sir, hold on.
That's a hot mess, I know.
I don't have a well, you see if I have the well right here,
I'll just set the ice.
- Knowing there there wasn't a well here
but then brought everything to make it here
and now was having to run back and forth.
- Excuse me, coming through.
All right guys, sorry about that.
(intense music)
Bad. - No balance it.
- It's just straight whiskey. - Give it a taste,
tell me what you think guys?
- Five being the best, one being the worst.
What do you give it?
- Three because he smiled.
- So if I didn't get him to smile, he would've gotten a one.
- Man, I made it with love.
- You made with love, but you still (beep) up,
you understand that.
(patrons laugh)
I'd like you to go down to the well
and make three old fashions properly,
down there so now there's no freaking excuses.
It's all on you.
I don't know what he's smiling about,
to be honestly with you because if that was me,
I'd be pretty freaking embarrassed.
- One, two, three, four, five --
- Hold it, hold it. - One, two, three, four, five.
Freaking bugs in this bottle.
(audience gasps) (intense music)
- [Woman] Just so you know.
- Oh my God.
- Rob, come back here.
- We've been closed for three months guys.
- Would everybody look in your glasses,
does anybody see bugs in their drinks?
- Oh my god (beep).
- That's my worst nightmare.
- [Jon] What else has them back here?
(intense music)
- (beep) bugs.
- Anybody drinking this, stop if you are.
(intense music)
Look at all this, check the other back bar,
you guys are pouring from those.
- (sighs) This is a nightmare.
- And a few of you got a few bugs with it.
There's no systems here.
There's an old cash register, no POS system.
There's one speed well, there wasn't too.
I've seen what I need to see.
I'm actually impressed.
They served almost everybody in the room in a half hour
till the bugs came out.
- It's been a rough one.
We had bugs in the bottles, we have no consistency.
I think it's best to shut it down now and get to work.
- If I can have your attention?
I wanna thank everybody for coming out,
we do have some problems to fix though.
I wanna welcome everybody back, we'll get this right.
We'll be on point even better than today.
(patrons applauds)
Bugs in the bottles man that was horrifying.
That was absolutely horrifying,
I'm embarrassed. - Pull the plug.
Now I wanna talk to the staff.
I wanna expose all the problems we had tonight
and I wanna talk to Steve about the future of this bar.
What do you think?
- The biggest problem with today was the bugs,
I'm ashamed about that.
- You had plenty of time to check the bottles
before opening yet customers
were drinking fruit flies all day.
- What is the one thing I've been on you the whole time,
what do we do every week in this building?
- Check the bottles.
- Check the bottles.
So we've been closed and it's not an excuse,
I should know better.
- Operationally, other than that, what do you think?
- Louis, he knows how to make an old fashioned, he choked.
- It's not the first time Louis choked is it.
- [Steve] No it's not.
(intense music)
- Look at this (beep) place.
There are bugs everywhere.
I seen bugs or two in kitchens, brother.
You got bugs underneath.
You got colonies of bugs underneath.
Heads with wings bro.
You got bugs everywhere, bro.
Bugs by your tools that you use to feed people.
- [Cook] I didn't even notice them.
- You didn't notice them? - You see how trash
this kitchen is. - Bro,
do you see bugs right here?
- [Cook] Yeah, I see them now.
- You're making people sick but you don't give a damn.
- I do. - No.
- That's crazy. - Here allow me.
Let me scrape them all together.
- I see them, I see them, that's gross.
- That hand was sitting over there
with all of the utensils on it.
So he picked up his tongs and worked off of this all night,
as you sat outside and smoked.
Do you understand how (beep) pissed I am
that you would serve this food to people?
- I'm honestly appalled.
- Do you understand how (beep) irresponsible that is, Rod?
- Yeah.
- Do you wanna get people (beep) sick?
- Oh no, no no.
- What are you doing man?
- I didn't see it.
- See, here's the deal.
I will save your ass and I will dig you out of the hole
that you've dug yourself into
but I will not work in this kitchen.
So guess what you're doing all (beep) night.
- I don't know. - You're cleaning
your (beep) damn kitchen.
(Ron chuckles)
There better not be one (beep) ant here in the morning.
He is a disgrace to our industry.
Clean your (beep) damn kitchen, let's get outta here.
(intense music)
Rod, let's go.
What'd you see?
- Jon, besides all the (beep) flutter back here.
What pisses me off the most, can you do me a favor
and look into these bottles for me
and tell me that you're serving your guests (beep) bugs?
- What?
- They're floating around,
we can get a flashlight.
- [Woman With Colored Hair] You're not lying (beep).
- No, I'm not lying, that's (beep) ridiculous.
- This is foul, it's bad, it's disgusting
and you don't know it.
- I don't know that much about the bar business.
- But you've been in it for two (beep) years.
(Rod chuckles)
Stop (beep) drinking, stop partying
and start doing something. - Okay.
- Let's get out of here.
This kitchen is infested with bugs
and so are the liquor bottles.
Tonight I expect Rodney's staff to clean this bar
so tomorrow I can train in it.
We proved that the town is working, the other bars are full.
- Yeah.
- We saw that he's empty. - Yep.
- The question is what can they do in their fault?
So we got about 100 people, we begged them to come.
So are they gonna seize it and make money
or are they gonna totally blow it?
So there we got owner Mike, look at him.
- As an owner or manager, I don't understand how
you're getting slammed.
You're just still sitting there in the corner.
As an owner, you see that you're in go mode.
- There's Jen.
- Wait no, I'm sorry.
My brain's fried right now.
- Going out with Brian, the promotion manager.
This is Michael.
Michael's been here about seven years.
- Lemme me double check.
- So Jen now has eight people at the bar.
She's making drinks, how many at a time, Phil?
- One. - One.
- [Jon] So all of these people are gonna wait.
- Thanks so much.
- The guy eight drinks back is gonna wait 10 minutes or so
for that drinks. - At least.
- I like your eye makeup that's a really nice color.
- I feel like she's carrying on a conversation
with one person.
- Oh wow.
- You have to be friendly but you can't focus on one person
for 15 minutes if your bar slammed.
- You gotta get while the getting's good right now.
- She just dumped the drink into the shaker
and dumped it back in the glass.
So there's no shake in it, there's no mixing.
- So there's one of our recon girls.
Jezel and Amy went in there
and I gave them smartphones so they can take videos for us
and really evaluate the business.
There's Jezel.
- It looks like a rat just came in through here
and just completely ate this couch
and it's totally gum.
So gross.
- This bar is disgusting.
- Everything's so dirty
and there's this rant smell old straight piss.
- How do they expect to stand up to the competition
if this place is a (beep) hole?
- Look at that guy right there,
swatting all the flies around away.
- If I was them, I'd be checking my drink for flies.
Anytime you see them around
that's... - Oh yeah.
Oh, he just found a fruit fly in their drink.
- And the owner is sitting right there, listening to them.
Does nothing about it.
- What's the matter? - There's three fruit flies.
Can I have another one?
- [Michael] That's funny, that's totally funny.
This one ain't come with that.
Oh my God, there really is.
- Wow.
- He made another drink with more fruit flies in it.
Can I have another one, sorry?
- I'm sorry about that.
- So I just ordered this drink
which they had to remake three times
because the flies that were in it, disgusting.
- Look!
You can actually see them.
I can't sit here and let these people drink this.
- [Jesse] Yeah, that's gross.
- I've got people drinking bugs
and an owner that's not doing anything about it.
I can't sit here and watch this.
They cannot consume any drinks.
- They might get sick.
- (beep)
(intense music)
- [Jon] How you doing?
Come on over here guys.
I want you to meet these girls.
What do you think of this place?
- I wouldn't come back here.
- Why?
- Three margarita's all had fruit flies.
- [Jon] So you didn't drink your drinks?
- No.
- [Jon] Did you get another drink?
- Three of them.
- Did that have fruit flies in it?
- All three of them.
- They even gave you a second chance and you blew it.
(intense music)
This is your future man
and you walk around like an idiot, and do nothing about it.
- I've been busy just trying to keep things afloat.
- You looked really busy tonight.
You sat on your ass at the corner of the bar,
you drank a beer.
Let's go to the bar, come on.
(intense music)
Give me a bottle with some bugs in it.
(intense music)
See the bugs in there.
- [Mike] Yes.
- [Jon] Drink it!
Should he drink it.
- [Patron] Yeah!
- You let them drink it all night.
- (beep) (beep) (beep) (beep)
(patrons applaud)
Whatever, flies in a drink, I'm sure I've had them before.
- Nobody can drink anything in this bar,
it is totally unsafe.
Shut this bar down, clean it up.
(glass shatters)
It's gone.
- Let's go, get outta here.
(intense music)
- Don't serve anything.
Don't serve anything.
- I'm embarrassed.
The fruit flies are disgusting, embarrassing.
I think Mike dropped ball on that.
Hopefully John Taffer will wake Mike up.
- All right, now it's time to drink, I guess.
(intense music)
- [Chloe] I'm Chloe.
- What is the smell?
It smells like cat piss in here.
- It's cat piss
The owner locks her cat in here at night sometimes
to kill the rats.
- A bar that stinks from cat piss,
that's my start on this bar.
Why don't you make her drink?
- Sweet tea sour,
- Yeah, I can I can do that.
(intense music)
- Is there's something in that bottle?
(intense music)
- There's something.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, come back here with that.
- I told them about this already.
- She turned it upside down
and there's some things floating around in there.
- [Jon] There's a cockroach in there that's unacceptable.
- [Wife] She was gonna serve that to me.
- Look at it, floating in there.
- [Chloe] Oh my god!
- How many other liquor bottles are like this?
- At least two. - I've never seen one
like that.
- Can you have a mixing glass?
(intense music)
Look at it.
There's one of them.
Look at that guys, that's a roach.
- That's disgusting, I'm outta here.
I don't wanna touch anything else
or see anything else, I'm repulsed.
You can't have that much filth and that many bugs
in a place, unless you just don't care.
- How often do you see your roach?
- Everyday. - I presume a lot.
- A few every day. - Probably.
- Where do you see them, do they walk across the bar?
- Yep. - Yeah,
but we had them in our cash registers with our money.
- When people ask about Head Hunters, they're like,
"Oh, that bar that smells real bad," that's us.
- And what is our owner say about this stuff?
- Nothing.
- I like to meet this guy, where the hell is he?
(intense music)
- Hi how are you? - Steve, Jon Taffer.
- Pleasure to meet you. - Nice to meet you.
- Thanks for coming. - Pleasure.
Let's walk over here and talk for a minute.
- Sure, let's go.
- My wife orders a drink the bottle's filled
with a cockroach and bugs.
- Wow.
- The other liquor bottles are filled with bugs.
The staff told me that they see cockroaches everyday here,
I've been here for a day. - There no cockroaches
in the bottles.
- Let's go ask them.
- Chloe. - Yes.
- How often do you see cockroaches here?
- About every day.
- About every day.
- So your staff is pulling your liquor bottles,
they're telling me this roaches here every day.
You don't see it, you don't know it?
- Chloe, why didn't you tell me about this?
Why are you telling him that but not me?
- I've told you that we have a problem with is why --
- You own this place, you're supposed to know these things.
- There are no bugs in the bottle.
- Do you know this is happening or not?
Yes or no, do you know it?
- Do I know what?
- That there's bugs all over your bar.
- There's bugs all over Austin.
There's bugs all over America.
This is a college town, they don't want clean.
It's not the culture.
Austin doesn't like that.
Is it a sterile, clean room environment?
No it's not, we're not in that business.
You came down here to tell me I have roaches in my bar.
- I came here to fix your bar
but I can't fix a bar. - I appreciate it.
- When I'm pouring cockroaches out of glasses, come on.
- I'm impressed with all the experience
and knowledge you have in the world,
you got all the way here to tell me
I have roaches in my bar, I'm astonished.
- Really?
Steve can't admit to anything.
I tell him there's bugs in his drink.
He says, there's no bugs in the drink.
This guy is filled with excuses
and holds himself unaccountable for everything
that's gonna change.
I know (beep) when I see it. - I've been in --
- They are there, either you knew it
and you didn't give a (beep).
- Are you gonna lower your voice
to talk like a man. - Or you fixed it.
- No, because you're frustrating the hell out of me.
When I talk to idiots, I get loud.
- I'm shocked. - You live amongst the mess
of cockroaches.
- Shocked at your professionalism.
- You want a professionalism. - Yeah.
- A professionalism is you don't serve bugs
to your customer.
- Maybe you're the biggest bug.
- I'm responsible even if Steve isn't.
I've only got five days to fix this bar
and I think it's the worst bar I have ever seen.
So I'm bringing my experts in right now
and we're going to work.
Jesse's going to walk the bar,
and see what other bugs and filth I haven't seen yet.
Joe's gonna come behind the bar with me
and we're gonna see what's going on back there.
- There's mold everywhere in these ceilings.
This place has never been cleaned.
You see all that, that's all mold growing.
- I never noticed it. - Yeah.
It's not connected to the ceiling
it's falling in your drinks. - That's wild.
- [Jesse] Which means your drinking mold?
- Let's show what happens when a moron defends failure?
This is what happens. - Oh my god.
- [Jon] There is about 30 cockroaches in there.
Look at that.
- Seeing that many cockroaches was disgusting.
- Look at this guys, those are bugs.
Those are cockroaches.
- He had people standing in the crowd, looking at him
with utter disgust and he was still sitting there.
Smiling and laughing thinking it was a joke,
and that it was funny.
It's not a joke, this is the livelihood of a good
10 to 15 people.
- You need to get angry at this.
You need to be embarrassed about this.
Take accountability.
- John Taffer flew off the handle about bugs.
So we created a drink after him called
The Bug Bomb. (laughs)
- I am gonna get on the phone
and I am gonna fumigate this building tonight.
You didn't have the balls to do it, I'm gonna.
You didn't write the check, I'm gonna.
I, your employees, Joe and you Jesse,
you're not walking back in this building
until we can do so safely.
And you my friend
(intense music)
are an (beep).
After 35 years, I found it.
This is the worst (beep) bar I have ever seen.
I am gonna fix it cause this (beep) didn't.
See you tomorrow.
(intense music)
(upbeat music)
- He looks mean again.
- Hey guys.
Only three days from now guys,
I have to open a new bar that you would be proud of,
like the concept and set us up to move forward.
When there's bugs in my drink,
I stopped thinking about everything else.
So I called in a professional yesterday.
I want you to be as grossed out and angry at this as I am.
Look at this guys.
This is during the exterminators sprays last night,
just watch it.
(intense music)
Here's what he wrote,
that the conditions note in are a health hazard
and a public danger.
There was substantial fecal matter, egg casings
and mutilated road carcasses.
- (beep) That was a (beep) load of them.
No wonder I'm always sick.
- If I have cockroaches walking across our customers,
you are all screwed.
- [Narrator] If you see one or two cockroaches at a bar,
you can bet there are thousands more.
When there's a roach infestation they emit a strong musk
which draws more roaches forming massive colonies
like the ones that Head Headhunters.
Inside the bar, under the stage and behind the bamboo wall.
Cockroaches don't just seem filthy, they are filthy
and carry up to 30 different diseases
including salmonella and dysentery
which they can spread to glassware and countertops
leaving no visible signs of bacteria.
With a roach infested bar even the classes that seem clean
are heavily contaminated.
- This infestation, according to the professionals
came from at least four and a half years
of complete neglect.
- This is Austin, every bar I go to as roaches.
We have a staff that needs to do their job,
they need to clean wells.
It's in the job description so now we know the source.
- I took it seriously, you blew it off.
- Did the best I could on our resources
it's not like I didn't do anything.
- More and more (beep).
- Cleaning the bar since it's been open.
- This is your fault.
This is your neglect.
Now you guys were exposed to 30 different types of bacteria.
You brought feces home to your apartment.
You slept in your bed with them.
How dare you risk your employees, risk your customers?
I am gonna fix this and if I have to run over you to do it,
understand Steve, I am gonna do it.
(intense music)
I'm gonna get your starting point that's clean, safe
and it starts right now.
We have some cleaning to do.
Come on in.
(intense music)
I want you to look around at the bugs.
I just want you guys to see the magnitude of this.
There's thousands of carcasses.
Now Steve,
you're gonna have a drink?
- You're kidding me?
- So it's okay if your customers consume it, but you won't.
You see the point? - Yeah.
- Throw out all these bottles, I can't save any of it.
I want this place clean and I want you doing it.
I want you immersed in sludge.
(intense music)
(Steve sighs)
- Wow, my bar needs to be cleaned up.
You guys are horrible.
- Yes, this isn't my job.
- It is your job,
you clean the well. - No, it's not.
- You know what?
If you paid me then it would be my job but you don't.
It would take me hours, hours to clean this bar.
Why the (beep) would I do that for you, Steve?
- Because then you'd be a professional.
- You're a piece of (beep).
- We don't get paid anything, we get paid tips
and that's it.
So we have to come into work two hours early
so we can clean the bar and stock it for free
and then we may or may not make $20 (scoffs).
- Why don't you just leave then, you're not doing any good?
- She's doing every good here.
- You aint doing here (beep) here except bitching.
- The you should leave.
- Why don't you leave?
- Because you're the problem.
- Your job is to clean the wells and the bottles.
- My job is to serve drinks for tips.
- No, they're not.
- That's is my job.
- (indistinct)
- If you wanna run a business,
you gotta pay your employees.
He just chooses not to pay them and I won't tolerate it.
(air swooshes)
- So you know how much I bust my ass here.
I'm here all day, every day, all week.
- So the place is organized, and clean, and together.
- Of course.
- Oh, okay.
Well then we'll see about that, won't we?
(intense music)
Let's see what we got, JP.
- There's a smell back here.
I'm guessing this area's not been touched.
- Look at this.
It's bacteria.
That's gross.
We've walked two feet into your bar and look at this.
- That's the bartender's job to clean.
- And it's your job to make sure they do.
You're gonna blame them.
- Cause I can't do everything.
- You just told me you did everything.
What else we got me, Mia?
- I wanna check some bottles.
I'm seeing fruit flies.
- We have fruit flies here, guys flying around.
- Yep, got them here.
- [Jon] Oh!
- There's a big one in this one.
It's like a moth or something.
(intense music)
- [Jon] How bad is that?
- I think this is the worst one that we've seen.
This is dry vermouth.
- Oh my God!
- [Mia] Dry vermouth should look clear.
(intense music)
Anybody wanna drink that?
- [Jon] I want you to see something.
(intense music)
Oh my God!
(intense music)
- [Jon] I have never seen anything like that in my life.
30 years in this business is that unbelievable.
- That's bull (beep).
I checked all these bottles.
This is a setup because that (beep).
- This is a set up. - That was clean.
- So we went out and caught
all of these with little traps.
Little traps everywhere.
Then I peeled them off the trap
and I put them in this bottle.
You're a moron to even suggest such a thing.
Come on man.
- Bull (beep)
- You're gonna insult my intelligence and them.
This bar is failing because of you,
because you don't do (beep) but (beep) your family.
Let's get the hell away from this bar.
This is disgusting.
And when I get back here
you better be covered in (beep) filth
because that's what you deserve.
(intense music)
- Somebody needs to kick that guy's ass.
(upbeat music)
- Hi, this is John Taffer.
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