字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 many of the participants in the siege of the capital earlier this month have been identified. 本月初圍攻首都的許多參與者的身份已經確定。 You know how the FBI identified the people who took over the capital thanks to their own posts on social media? 你知道FBI是如何通過他們自己在社交媒體上的帖子確認了接管首都的人嗎? Isn't that crazy? 是不是很瘋狂? E mean, there's another word for it. E是說,還有一個詞可以形容它。 Stupid. 愚蠢的。 Uh, check this out. 呃,檢查了這一點。 One man was arrested after the FBI looked up his Google search history. 在FBI查詢了他的谷歌搜索記錄後,一名男子被逮捕。 Yeah, well, of course, this, uh, entire event at the capital was a terrible stain on our country's democracy. 是啊,當然,這,呃,整個事件 在首都是一個可怕的汙點 在我們國家的民主。 But one company has found the upside. 但有一家公司找到了上升空間。 Has this ever happened to you? 你有過這樣的經歷嗎? A Tennessee man was arrested today after the FBI looked through his Google search history and found the phrase all going to D. 田納西州一名男子今天被捕,因為FBI查看了他的谷歌搜索記錄,發現這句話都是去D。 C. C. The cavalry is coming. 騎兵來了 Did you know that the third most common form of evidence in a treason case is the suspects Google search history? 你知道在叛國案中,第三種最常見的證據形式是嫌疑人的谷歌搜索歷史嗎? That's where being comes in. 這就是做人的道理。 Yep. 是的。 That big from Microsoft. 微軟的那麼大。 If you're searching for ways to commit treason, don't google it. 如果你在搜索叛國的方法,不要在谷歌上搜索。 I've been an FBI agent for 25 years now, and I've never heard of it. 我當了25年的FBI探員,從來沒有聽說過。 Would just not occur to me to check a suspects being history. 只是我不會想到要查一個嫌疑人的歷史。 What is being Is it a like a weed term being from Microsoft? 什麼是被是微軟的一個像雜草一樣的名詞被?
B1 中級 中文 TeamCoco 搜索 谷歌 首都 嫌疑人 微軟 用Bing智取FBI - TBS的CONAN節目 (Outsmart The FBI With Bing - CONAN on TBS) 2 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 27 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字