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one is a story about a girl named Chloe, and Chloe is many things.
She's intelligent, she's creative.
But the one thing she isn't is healthy.
Chloe was born with all sorts of complications, and basically she's got lung problems and heart problems, and she is unable to walk.
She's basically paralyzed from the waist down, and what this means is for Khloe.
She needs basically 24 7 medical attention, But lucky for her, she's got her mom.
Her mother, played by Sarah Paulson, is the person who gives her medication.
She gives her physical training.
She cooks for her.
She cleans, for she takes care of her.
But most importantly, her mother is her cheerleader.
Because even though she's has these afflictions and the world isn't all that great for her, they're making it the best they can.
因為即使她有這些苦惱 而這個世界對她來說並不是那麼美好,他們也在盡力而為。
The two of these people together are such a dynamic team.
Diane loves her daughter too much, and I think Diane doesn't have much of a life outside of her life with her daughter, and it has never been as threatening as it is now that Chloe is at the cusp of being a really grown independent woman capable of many things, and Diane can't really bear the thought of Chloe leaving her.
Chloe initially has total trust in her mother, But as things progress, she starts to notice small things here and there that don't seem quite right with two characters only you have to sort of realize that like there's no be story you can rely on, there's no like thing that you can cut away to, you know, like from the beginning, this was like they should feel like a classic Hitchcock movie.
They should feel like a shamal on movie where every frame is designed.
Every frame is telling you multiple pieces of information at once.
You're not just cutting randomly like everything is on purpose.
From the very first scene, I was just hooked it, like, got me in my gut From from the first moment, I was like, I have to do this.
I am going to put everything into this because I've never read anything like this before.
It very quickly becomes a story of survival, and everyone can I think, relate and likes that feeling of.