And they had a nice, long winning streak, those years to and then the bad stuff in 1974 when we were about 10 years past what we thought were, and they were big deals the Voting Rights Act, civil rights legislation and all that, and yet the death threats and everything he got because he was going to break Babe Ruth's record and because of the way it overlapped, finishing one year at 7 13.
他們有一個很好的,長期的連勝,那些年,然後在1974年的壞東西,當我們大約10年過去,我們認為,他們是大交易投票權法案,民權立法和所有這些,但死亡威脅和一切,他得到了,因為他要打破貝比魯斯的記錄,因為它的方式重疊,完成一年在7 13。