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Hi, my name is Rebecca from www.engvid.com.
大家好!我是 www.engvid.com 的盧貝卡。
In today's lesson, you will learn about 24 different words
在今天的課程中,我們將會學到約 24 個字詞。
to talk about your working life.
You'll need these words if you want to be able to talk about your career
or about someone else's professional life.
So let's get started.
I've divided the vocabulary into two parts.
On this side, we'll see words which the applicant or the employee, the future employee is going
to need; things that a person who is applying for a job or someone who works somewhere,
these words apply to them. And the words on this side refer to things that the employer
does, that the company does. Okay? So let's start with what a person does when
he's looking... He or she is looking for a job. So the first thing is to "look for a
他/她正在求職,因此他/她們第一件要做的事就是「找工作 (look for a job)」。
job". That could mean that you look at classified ads, you go online; you look for a job. Another
way to say that is: "to seek employment", that's a formal way to say it. "To seek" means
「求職 (to seek employment)」,這是較正式的說法。「To seek」的意思是指「尋求」
to look for, and "employment" means work or a job.
Next, you would probably "apply". After you see a position that interests you or a job
基本上接下來您就要「去應徵 (apply)」工作。當你看到感興趣的職缺或工作時
that interests you, you would apply for that position, you would fill out perhaps an application
form or send in a letter. And also "submit" which means to formally give in or send in,
to submit your resume, to submit your CV. CV is curriculum vitae. In some places, they
你的履歷,或是 CV (簡歷)。CV 的全文是 curriculum vitae。有些地方會稱「CV」
say: "CV", and in other places, they say: "resume". It's the same thing, but you need
而有些地方則是稱「履歷 (resume)」,兩者其實指的是一樣的東西,不過都需要經過
to apply and submit it. So these are the first three things that someone who's looking for
a job or a job applicant is going to do. Let's jump on to this side now to see what
the employer does, and then later, we'll come back to a couple of other things which the
person can do. Okay? So what does the employer usually do? After they have gone through the
applications, they will invite some people for an "interview" and they will interview
雇主方會邀請其中幾位應徵者前來「面試 (interview)」,並對應徵者進行面試流程。
that person. Next, they'll make a list which is... That
process is called: "to shortlist". "To shortlist" means let's say that they interviewed 20 people
「列出候選人名單 (to shortlist)」。「列出候選人名單」的意思是指,比如說求才方
and now they're going to choose about three people or five people, and from those five
共邀請 20 個人來面試,他們會從中再選出 3 到 5 個人;不過由於職缺只需要一個人
or three, they will choose one person finally because there's one position available. So
因此需要從這 3 到 5 個人之中再挑選出一個最終人選。
when they take out of the 20, they make it three or five, that's called... That process
這個找來 20 個應徵者,並從中篩選出 3 到 5 個人的動作
is called shortlisting. They shortlist the candidates. So the first thing you can hope,
after being interviewed, is that you will be shortlisted. And then, hopefully, you will
also be chosen for the position. So if that happens, the company decides to
如果你很幸運的成為最終人選,就表示公司決定「雇用 (hire)」你或是
"hire" someone or to "recruit" a new employee, to recruit someone. Both words are used.
「招募」一名新員工 (招新人進來)。這兩個單字在這裡都適用。
After that, if necessary, but not always, they may have to "train" that person to teach
之後呢,若公司覺得有需要的話,可能會對新進員工進行「訓練 (train)」,教導他們
them how to do the job. At some later point in their career, it may be also necessary
如何執行工作業務。進入職場一段時間後,公司也有可能需要「重新訓練 (retrain)」員工。
to "retrain" that person. "Re"-anything usually means to do something again.
Next, after the person has been hired and perhaps trained, the person will be "placed"
in a particular department, in a branch, in a division, in a particular location. They
will placed there means they will be put in that position.
Next, a variety of things can occur, can happen in the course of a person's career. A person
could be "transferred". You see the arrow? Transfer means your position, the level of
可能會遇到「transferred (調職)」。大家有看到這個箭頭嗎?
your position doesn't change necessarily, but you might be just moved. "To transfer"
means to move to another branch, to another location, to another country, - right? - another
department, another division. You are transferred. Another thing that can happen if you're doing
very well is you might be "promoted". Here we see the arrow pointing up. So, "to promote"
獲得「promoted (晉升)」。我們可以看到這邊的箭頭是向上的方向,因此「晉升」
means to get a higher level position. Usually, but not always, that includes a higher salary
as well. Then you may be... That's referred to as a "raise", but it doesn't always happen.
也就是所謂的「加薪 (raise)」,不過這種情況並不經常發生。
Sometimes you get a higher position without the extra money.
What can also happen, but very rarely, - but it does happen sometimes -, is instead of
getting promoted, a person might be demo-... "Demoted". So "demoted" means to get a lower
則是「降職 (降職)」。「降職」的意思是調到比原先還低層的職位。
position. This doesn't usually happen. Sometimes it can happen, for example: in the army, a
person might be demoted for something bad that they did.
Next: we come to different ways in which a person can be asked to leave work. There are
three different ways so let me explain because the difference is actually very important.
A person might be "laid off". Another way to say that is: "to make someone redundant".
員工可能會遭「laid off (裁員)」,另一種說法叫做「to make someone redundant」。
A person might be laid off or made redundant. I'll explain what that means. A person might
be "retrenched", or: "dismissed", or: "terminated". Now, let me explain the difference. When companies
lay off employees, they don't usually lay off one employee. They lay off a number of
employees, sometimes it could be a hundred employees, it could be a thousand employees.
And why does that happen? It has nothing to do with employee performance; it has to do
為什麼會出現這樣的情況呢?這和員工的績效表現無關,往往是與其他 .... 原因有關。
with other... other reasons. The economy may be bad or the sales may be down, and so on.
原因可能是經濟不景氣或產品銷售量下滑等等 ....。
And so the company is forced to lay off hundreds of workers. Right? So when the company lays
off a number of workers, then they are telling them to go, but again, it's only temporarily.
Usually it's temporarily. Sometimes if the... If the economy continues to be really bad,
it can become permanent, but layoffs are often temporary. Sometimes when things improve then
they may be rehired. So if someone is laid off, it's much easier for that person to get
another job because if they're fired, for example, then that's going to be more difficult
for them to get another job. All right. Now, next one is: "retrench". When
要找到下一份工作會比較困難。好,接下來我們來看「人力緊縮 (retrench)」這個詞彙。
a company retrenches employees, it's similar to the layoff, but it's for different reasons.
Retrenchment happens when a company is trying to restructure itself, reorganize its finances.
And so, it may decide to reduce expenses in a number of different ways. Sometimes it does
it by shortening working hours, by lowering salaries, and finally, if they have no choice
and no other way to save enough money, they may actually ask employees to go. So those
employees would then be retrenched. Again, it doesn't usually just happen to one person
at all; it happens to many people, maybe hundreds. So layoffs and retrenchments are similar,
except that retrenchment is often looked at, technically, as more permanent, and layoffs,
as I mentioned, might be temporary. The next situation is number 11 here, is a
如同我前面提及過的,可能只是暫時的狀態。接著來看編號 11 的詞彙,員工可能會遭遇
person could be "dismissed" or "terminated." And what does that mean? Okay? That means
「解雇 (dismissed)」或「中止合同 (terminated)」的情況。這意味著甚麼呢?
something quite different from being laid off, because when you're laid off, as I said,
it's not your fault. But if you're dismissed or terminated, it may be because the company
is specifically unhappy with that person's performance, or that person is perpetually
late, or that person's work is not up to standard, and so on. Right? So the company dismisses
that particular person. The official word for that is to be "dismissed" or to be "terminated".
特定對象時,正式的詞彙就是「解雇 (dismissed)」或「中止合同 (terminated)」。
The slang for that is to be "fired" or "sacked". In North America, the slang is: "to be fired".
厘語的說法則是「炒魷魚 (fired)」或「被炒了 (sacked)」。
In England, the slang tends to be: "to be sacked". All right?
在英國比較常聽到的俚語說法是「被炒了 (to be sacked)」。
So that's what can happen from the employer's point of view. Let's go back for a minute
and talk about a few other things that the employee can do.
Sometimes, you may get a better job and so you decide to leave the company where you
work and go to another company, so you "resign". This is something you do by yourself. You
去別的公司任職,因此你決定「辭職 (resign)」。決定辭職,這是出於你本身的決定。
decide to resign. The slang for that is to: "quit". "I quit", famous words. So, if you
用來表示這個動作的俚語是「不做了 (quit)」。「我不做了 (I quit)」是很常聽到的一句話。
decide to resign, you will probably submit a letter of resignation. All right? That goes
with resigning. And the last thing that an employee usually
does, - it depends on what age in different countries -, is to "retire". So what does
遇到的年齡每個國家規定不同 - 這個狀況就是面臨「退休 (retire)」。
it mean to retire? "To retire" means to stop working because you've reached an age when,
legally, you are forced to stop working. And these... The age varies in different countries,
but it can be anywhere from 60 to 65 in most places. All right? Of course, if you work
不過大多國家都訂在 60 到 65 歲左右。這樣大家能理解了嗎?不過如果你是自營業者
for yourself, you may never retire. And in other countries, the retirement age might
be quite different. All right? So, this is some essential vocabulary that
you need to be able to talk about your business life, your working life, your career. All
right? If you would like to do a quiz on this subject, please go to our website: www.engvid.com.
如果您想要針對今天的主題做個測驗,請上我們的網站:website: www.engvid.com。
Thank you very much for watching, and good luck with your career. Bye for now.