字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 record closing highs for all three major Wall Street indices on Wednesday, the same day Joe Biden became the 46th president of the United States, Wall Street was relieved with the inauguration going off without a hitch despite the threat of unrest. 週三華爾街三大指數均創下收盤新高,同一天喬-拜登成為美國第46任總統,儘管有動盪的威脅,但就職典禮還是順利進行,華爾街感到很欣慰。 Liz Miller is president of Summit Place Financial Advisors. Liz Miller是Summit Place Financial Advisors的總裁。 The inauguration is is actually very important, you know, we did see all the major indices sort of dipping around 11 o'clock going into it. 就職典禮是實際上是非常重要的,你知道,我們沒有看到所有的主要指數排序浸約11點進入它。 And then it's coming out of that rather smooth transition, at least compared to what was expected. 然後就走出了那個相當平穩的過渡期,至少和預期相比是這樣。 And, you know, those who were enthused by the messages of hope in the future, driving the major indices to new highs into the afternoon. 而且,你知道,那些被未來希望的資訊所鼓舞的人,推動各大指數在下午創出新高。 By the closing bell, the Dow rallied 257 points. 截至收盤,道指反彈257點。 The S and P 500 jumped 52. S和P 500指數大漲52。 The NASDAQ surged 260. 納斯達克指數大漲260。 Politics could only take partial credit for the rally. 政治只能承擔集會的部分功勞。 Netflix was by far the star of the day. 網紅是當下最耀眼的明星。 The streaming media giant, which has been besieged by growing list of new challengers, said it will no longer need to borrow billions of dollars to finances, TV shows and movies. 這家流媒體巨頭,已經被越來越多的新挑戰者的名單所圍困,它說它將不再需要借數十億美元來融資,電視節目和電影。 The main reason it continues to take in millions of new paying subscribers. 主要原因是它持續吸納數百萬新付費用戶。 Netflix ended last year with more than 200 million paying customers worldwide. Netflix去年年底在全球擁有超過2億付費客戶。 Shares of Netflix surged 17% toe on all time high. Netflix股價大漲17%,趾高氣揚,創歷史新高。 Netflix is quarterly results fueled enthusiasm for other tech companies like Google Parent alphabet that have yet to report. Netflix是季度業績助長了其他科技公司的熱情,如谷歌母公司字母表,還沒有報告。 Alphabet shares jumped to a record high as well. Alphabet股價也躍升至歷史新高。 In other high profile earnings, Morgan Stanley, the last of the big US banks to report smashed estimates thanks to strength in its trading unit. 在其他高調的財報中,美國大銀行中最後一家公佈的摩根士丹利由於其交易部門的強勢而打破了預期。 Procter and Gamble, one of the world's largest consumer products companies, boosted its full year sales guidance for the second time after demand for its cleaning products remained. 全球最大的消費品公司之一的寶潔公司,在清潔產品需求保持不變的情況下,第二次提高了全年的銷售指引。 I didn't elevated level due to the health crisis. 由於健康危機,我沒有提升水準。
B1 中級 中文 指數 新高 股價 華爾街 典禮 公司 華爾街創下網紅熱潮,拜登宣誓就職。 (Wall St. records on Netflix boom, Biden swear-in) 3 1 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 21 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字