The FBI is investigating Riley June Williams, a Pennsylvania woman accused of unlawfully breaching the capital, on January 6th after receiving a tip from someone claiming to be a former romantic partner who said she planned to steal a laptop or hard drive from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office and sell it to Russian intelligence.
美國聯邦調查局(FBI)正在調查賓夕法尼亞州女子萊利-瓊-威廉姆斯(Riley June Williams),她被指控非法闖京城,1月6日,她接到一個自稱是前戀愛夥伴的人提供的線索,說她計劃從眾議院議長南希-佩洛西的辦公室偷走一臺筆記本電腦或硬盤,並將其賣給俄羅斯情報部門。