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  • Aloha and welcome Scorpio to your 2014 Money & Prosperity Forecast. On today's show you'll

  • find out the astrology highlights for your money and the flow of prosperity in your life

  • in 2014 and how to make the most of your opportunities and increase the flow of good fortune in your

  • life.

  • I'm your host Metaphysican and intuitive astrologer KG Stiles. Your Money Forecast is sponsored

  • by PurePlant Essentials organic aromatherapy and Health Mastery Systems the place to go

  • for your transformational health care needs, including astrology sessions with me. Please

  • visit these websites today! In 2014 dear Scorpio your material circumstances

  • and money flow steadily improve and receive boosting through your spiritual Divine connections

  • and your female friends and associations. Scorpio you are counselled to consciously

  • hangout with your angels, ascended masters and spirit guides. You are completely surrounded

  • by spirit teachers now and connecting with them consciously will help you access the

  • wisdom they have to share with you. You're receiving unseen and behind the scenes help

  • from other dimensions, including your departed loved ones, and in the physical material world

  • as well. Scorpio the roots and foundations of your

  • early childhood are being transformed and healed. You are called to embody your authentic

  • self and your will and life forces are undergoing transmutation.

  • At the end of 2014 your desire for taking decisive action to fulfil your life purpose

  • will be activated. As you go through this transformation of your

  • character your standing in the world will improve, including your material circumstances

  • and flow of money. You will be able to build the necessary cash reserves you long for to

  • ensure your creature comforts in the world. Your ability to see and value other people's

  • point of view is going through radical change. Your presentation to the world in 2014 will

  • be as the diplomat and peaceful negotiator. Your work place is peaceful, creative, healing

  • and harmonious for yourself and your co-workers and employees.

  • SCORPIO: You are over lighted by a host of angels and ascended masters to help you through

  • your rapid transition this year. Your primary Angel assisting you this year is Jeremial.

  • Jeremial is the angel of emotional healing whose name means 'Mercy of god.' Call upon

  • Jeremial to assist you with reviewing and taking inventory of every aspect of your life

  • and make positive changes. You are counseled to commune with nature,

  • fairies, crystalsyou're your environment to assist with emotional healing. Your affirmation:

  • "I walk in grace - beauty, true and love are my companions."

  • This has been a general money and prosperity forecast for all of you with strong Scorpio

  • influence in your astrology chart. For a more personal forecast book a private astrology

  • session with me. Wishing you all the very best dear Scorpio!

  • Thanks so much for joining me! Until next time...relax and enjoy your life. I'm your

  • host Metaphysician and Intuitive Astrologer KG Stiles.

Aloha and welcome Scorpio to your 2014 Money & Prosperity Forecast. On today's show you'll


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天象星座2014年天秤座金錢與財運預測KG Stiles,占星師。 (ASTROLOGY HOROSCOPE 2014 LIBRA MONEY & PROSPERITY FORECAST KG Stiles, Astrologer)

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    Hhart Budha 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日