It's sad because because obviously you're starting to see continuous incidents happen, and you hate to see that kind of spiral start to take place where the kid and, you know, I know as a black coach, I've been, uh, you said that term a lot this show already, but as a black coach, knowing what some of these kids go through to get to where they are and, ah, lot of people don't understand it, but a lot of these kids, and I'm not excusing him for his behavior.
這是可悲的,因為很明顯 你開始看到連續的事件發生, 你討厭看到那種螺旋式上升 開始採取的地方,孩子和, 你知道,我知道作為一個黑人教練, 我一直,呃,你說這個詞 很多這個節目已經,但作為一個黑人教練, 知道這些孩子們經歷了什麼 得到他們在哪裡,啊,很多人不明白這一點, 但很多這些孩子,我不原諒他 他的行為。