Taking this spot is everyone's favorite billionaire Playboy and philanthropist Tony Start might need to visit Oslo, find our unknown During the Avengers pursuit of the evil robot Ultron, he heads up to the nexus Internet hub in Oslo, Norway, where we catch too young computer scientists trying to sneak in a selfie with the billionaire whilst his back is turned.
以這個位置是每個人都喜歡的億萬富翁花花公子和慈善家託尼開始可能需要訪問奧斯陸,找到我們的未知 在復仇者追尋邪惡的機器人奧創,他頭頂的nexus互聯網中心在奧斯陸,挪威,在那裡我們抓住太年輕的計算機科學家試圖偷偷與億萬富翁的自拍,而他的背部是。