Yeah, it's a it's a good point, but actually, China has, uh, if you plot China over the last year, there was obviously that huge effort toe to bring under control the nation wide spread, which was obviously focused in in Wuhan and who they but But in fact, every province was was affected, probably in the triple digits and that massive, nationwide wide locked down.
是的,這是一個... ...這是一個很好的點,但實際上,中國已經,呃,如果你策劃中國在過去的一年中,有明顯的巨大努力,以使在控制下的全國範圍內蔓延,這顯然是集中在武漢和誰,但事實上,每個省都受到影響,可能在三位數和大規模,全國範圍內鎖定。