Even if you're outside On a really bright, sunny day, our new I comfort shield analyzes your usage pattern toe automatically adjust your blue light filter whether you choose galaxy s 21 at 6.2 inch display or the S 21 plus and at 6.7 inch display, you will get the most advanced, intelligent display we've ever put on a smartphone.
即使您在戶外,在一個真正明亮、陽光明媚的日子裡,我們新的I舒適防護罩會分析您的使用模式,自動調整您的藍光過濾器,無論您選擇6.2英寸顯示屏的Galaxy S 21還是6.7英寸顯示屏的S 21 plus,您都將獲得我們有史以來最先進的智能顯示屏。