字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 hello fabulous friends and fans welcome to your horoscope for the week March ninth 2014 I am your astrologer Nadiya Shah thank you for being here well thank you so much for watching as always there are now timestamps in the description to this video so if you're watching on YouTube and you want to just watch the intro and then jump ahead to your sign or you wanna jump ahead now, please feel free to do so by clicking on the time right next to your sign although I do advise to listen to the intro because it is the intro that talks about the general trends that are going to be speaking to all of us in are indicating our lessons collectively and of course individually as well and this week we are building towards a full moon taking place actually in the early part of next week so over the course at the beginning of next week we do have a full moon overall a friendly full moon overall pretty positive stable full moon and this week seems to lead us towards lessons that I'll be talking more fully about then but leads us in that direction of welcoming understandings and welcoming insights that ultimately are meant to encourage a sense of stability as we move towards an honest assessment of what is and by doing so by honoring what we have already manifested were better able to look at ourselves on what's happening with us emotionally mentally spiritually and therefore make the adjustments needed so that we can manifest different if that's something that we want to do and so in the middle of the week mercury and the Sun are going to be speaking with Saturn now mercury is going to be having a type of conversation with Saturn that astrologers call a square and it is a conversation of tension and this conversation does suggest that we're going to be asked some really tough questions or going to be asking ourselves and tough questions we're going to be looking at where it is that we actually are right now in the most practical sense and we're going to be thinking about whether or not our plans are realistic how we've gotten here and what we can do to actually plan for a better future now those people who were actively already engaging in this process are just gonna welcome this energy and build on it if you're the kinda percent who does a really like to make plans so much it doesn't really like to look at a certain things in a very sort of cold hard steely kind of way and then this could be a bit of a wake-up call you may end up projecting this energy it may be actually somebody else who comes to you asking questions but it certainly doesn't have to be that way really ultimately Saturn is thought to be one of the most spiritual planets I mean all planets are spiritual but Saturn really is about you know this is saying faith without works is dead that's really what Saturn is about that so Saturn comes down to faith without works is dead so have your faith have your beliefs have your inspirations have your dreams but if you're not actually walking your talk if you're not actually doing something in the physical realm to work with that that which you believe then it really is just a dream it's not actually something that you're living and breathing and manifesting and honoring the fact that we're in this there's a call round and that's the real insight that hits home just a little bit later when the Sun speaks in supreme harmony what astrologers call the Trine his supreme harmony with a Saturn as well and so this does suggest that we find our power, no matter what tough questions come up no matter how it is whatever assessment we make very quickly we understand what actions we can take to empower ourselves what actions are gonna help us to actually increase the sense of self-respect because ultimately that is what saturns about Saturn is about accepting what you can changing what you can and having a sense of self respect by actually honoring the physical plane later on in the week what we also have as mercury speaking in harmony with mars now I'm very excited about this and the reason that I feel so excited about this is because this does suggest because every sort-of, if you will, just like in your life every day builds upon the next every lesson builds upon the next the same thing with the celestial conversations because they're just a mirror to what's happening within us and so with Mercury first having this conversation with Saturn and then moving on its its immediate next if exact conversation is with Planet of action in a supremely harmonious what we call a Trine supremely harmonious conversation at that it does suggest that we really understand how to get our minds working in harmony with our will we understand what actions that is we can take we understand how to tap into the power of words directing our mind in order to really feel a sense of the blessing that it is to actually be able to look at what it is that you're thinking consider does it support where where it is you want to go or not where it doesn't, you actually do have that power to change course how all this speaks to your sign is coming up right now hello Fabulous Aries this week does promise a real light bulb moment and very much on a level of mind with mercury moving through the sign up Aquarius which is the sign of a lightbulb moment speaking with your ruling planet in such supreme harmony and your ruling planet moving for an extended period of time in your opposite sign it does suggest that it is another person who facilitates an awareness and awakening for you some of you, if you are in a romantic alliance will find yourself feeling just like this person really gets me this person, really like I can really talk to this person and feeling very empowered by that connection and those of you who are not are gonna find yourself having conversations about love and possibly even connecting with somebody to really hold some potential to be around for a long time it should be a lot of fun for you hello Fabulous Taurus this week third is some suggestion that with Saturn continuing to move through your opposite sign in Saturn getting so much energy right now and at the same time with Mercury getting a lot of energy as well are reaching out if you will moving through a part of the sky that for you has to do with looking at your career looking at how high you wanna go looking at your alternate aims in your goals it does look like you are being ask some tough questions possibly facilitated by a partner now this very likely is a business partnership so maybe a potential business partnership or it may be actually a romantic partner but these are questions that are very needed right now as you refine your course and figure out just what it is that you're you've been trying to achieve these last couple of months you add to this the fact that with the Sun getting such a boost with Saturn getting such a boost from the Sun it does suggest to me that you are going to experience a boost in your own life thanks to a partner as well and so be open to partnerships of all kinds. Be open to relating the universe has been having you in the midst of this long-term lesson where it really is about getting along with other people building and strengthening those partnerships and I do think that you're gonna find a partner really believes in you and you're about to get some really good news about just how much they believe in you and it comes across as a vote of confidence and it seems like it's something that just warms your heart to hear it hello Fabulous Gemini well it is your ruling planet Mercury that is speaking with mars later in the week but first saturn as I spoke of in the introduction and it does suggest to me that while you are looking at some hard truth you are also building towards a moment a really feeling very empowered perhaps more than you have in a while specifically I'm thinking of the fact that mercury is now headed towards the sign of Pisces slowly but surely so mercury has been moving back and forth in the sign a Pisces and Aquarius over these last few weeks Mercury now in a harmonious sign to you, in the sign of Aquarius it does suggest to me as I look at this that really no matter how tough the questions are you very quickly understand how to make the best of it and it looks very likely that this is part of an ongoing conversation and so if you've been having any sort of ongoing conversations any sort of uncertainties even from time to time if you will especially in the workplace umm right now this week you should expect yourself to sort of get an insight on that and feel like things are sort of coming out if you will and so that everything is in sort of just under the surface but actually you're getting the clarity you need your getting the lesson if you will as to what the point is of all of this why is all this happening why are you feeling so much whether it's drama in the workplace whether it's you just not be very satisfied with the work you get the insight you need and very quickly you implement changes that actually end up in powering you not only in the workplace but just an all-around sense and it looks like there is a part of you this this part of you that needs to be honored that has to do with your curiosity and I'm seeing you honor that I'm seeing you become aware that oh my god I'm not paying attention to this part of me and I miss it and you do pay attention to it and because of that first you need to have sort at that moment looking at where you are in understanding where you've been building towards what dissatisfaction has been there in order for you to get to the point where you can say to yourself okay this is what needs to change in this is what I need to do to actually feel a greater sense of contentment once you get to that place you are certainly on the right track hello Fabulous Cancer this week there is the possibility the potential the promise if you will of really having some very important financial talks that ultimately lead in a really good place. It looks like you're being asked some tough questions where it comes to your finances and while for some of you that's not necessarily the easiest thing to do umm and really money is such an emotional issue and because you as a Cancer one of your life lessons is to understand that everything in a certain respect everything or anything can be an emotional issue it might take you a little bit aback to have to look at your finances in a way that's a little bit removed to look at what it is that you really want to do what you wish you could feel more confident on you could take a bet on and at the same time understanding that if you're really going to take a chance this chance that you want to take you're going to have to actually ask for the support that you need whether it's emotional financial or otherwise but what I'm seeing more than anything is a lot of paperwork that might need to be done but things are going to start coming together and it looks like at least financially there are some good news by the time we get to the end of the week and really I think a part of you is gonna feel like this is a long time coming actually this has been almost like an ongoing thing happening for the last few weeks were comes your finances while you're about to feel a sense of resolution and you're about to get some very good news in that area Hello fabulous Leo, well your ruling planet is reaching out to the planet of stability mars in supreme harmony as I spoke of in the intro and it does suggest to me that its you that starts to feel a greater sense of stability its you that starts to understand what needs to happen what understanding needs to take place within yourself so that you can feel strong within strong about what you have and strong about where it is that you are going there is something very encouraging about was taking place in the sky now for you and it has to do with you slowly but surely building towards a financial breakthrough it's gonna happen for you next weekend spoke about it in the monthly horoscopes I'll talk about it again next week but what I like about was taking place this week for you is that you understand that there are people who are on your side there are people who believe in you there people who want to see you experience greater prosperity and what I also really love about this week for you is that their is defense that you're moving in the right direction it's something you feel there's a calmness within what is taking place now there's an understanding that you're moving in a direction that's going to help you feel good about yourself help you feel a sense of self-respect just help you feel like your building something that actually matters something you can be prouder and that's what i think is really going to be the standout moment for you I think you're gonna have this appreciation that you actually have been working a lot you actually have garnered a measure of respect already and just an appreciation that you know you actually do have a lot you have this wonderful sorta not just a legacy but you've been actually building something that's really good you been investing your time your energy your lovin something that actually now you can sort it stand back have a moment say you know what I'm really proud that I decided to give my energy in this direction for some view it's going to be a marriage for some you might be your kids the for others it might be a project very close to your heart maybe work as well all those things that you consider most close to your heart all those things were identified with most are about to get a wonderful shine I love saw led appreciation that you've been on the right track for a while now hello Fabolous Berg oh well it is your ruling planet that is speaking with Saturn and this to me suggest that especially with Saturn in such a harmonious position to you right now it does suggest that you there's a conversation set to be had and it may be a little bit uncomfortable but ultimately you understand that this needs to happen almost like the air needs to be clans if you're going to go forward with a greater sense of power in a greater sense of purpose as well I do think that the likelihood have you needing to have in some cases some very spontaneous conversations but I think apart views gonna feel like this is a long time coming this is a long time overdue and it's almost as if there is a annum measure appealing that comes from this and what i'm saying is you having these conversations with people well maybe there's been some tension building for a while nazar said it's a long time coming but once you do it's going to help you clear some energy in clear some space because you are headed towards a full moon in your sign and all again I'll I talked about in the monthly or scope I'll talk about it again next week the for you in particular you have to remember that you are building towards a cathartic moment you're building towards a moment were you recognize what doesn't matter and you let it girl you find a release and ultimately this is a full moon that is for stable and also speaking in harmony with Saturn as well an olive this does suggest to me that whenever events or transpiring regardless how you feel it's like in the process you can see how even though it feels a little tense even though you shouldn't have to speak about this or talk about this this is actually really good that this is actually gonna help the big picture your life the fax is going to help you feel better and you feel more empowered in from that place you start preparing for these wonderful breakthroughs that are coming up for you just a little bit further once we get you into next week in new star preparing for really letting go of some baggage that you just don't need anymore that just isn't part have where it is you're going and you really are going in some wonderful directions as will become more and more clear as you progress through the week hello fabulously bro well look mark re speaking in harmony with mars moving through your sign this is actually part of an ongoing conversation that's been taking place over the last few weeks it does suggest that there's a further development on your understanding on a level of mind as to what you need on the one hand to feel really fulfilled but on another hand the action that you need to take to move your life over to progress your life forward and it looks like the news that does come in is one that absolutely uplifts you and more than anything what i'm saying is that this is an offer to actually enjoy yourself to have more fun to make that distinction as to what it is that you are doing where it is that your passions actually lie now and where it is they've actually been undergoing changes and what used to fire you up what used to really get your juices going just doesn't anymore you want different things are entering a different phase if you will and you are coming to a place more and more over the coming weeks being more honest with yourself about what you really need to be in the world so that you can feel good about yourself you can feel a sense of self-respect and self-empowerment well this week helps you tremendously along that process as you gain mental clarity that you need to help you decide on your best steps forward hello battle a Scorpio this week I see this bigger question coming up as to where your home is and what you need to do to feel more at home and this is part of an ongoing conversation that has been taking place over the last few weeks but I think now you're set to have a talk in some for summer view a very long needed talk or negotiation or interaction that allows you to really get clear about how you feel about where you are in terms of your living space in terms of your home in terms of feeling safe in your home but also in your own body as well and I think that you're about to feel a sense I love greater understanding as to why it is you are exactly where you are and what it is that you need to do to feel more at home now for some %uh view this may take some very practical take on a very practical bed where you actually working I with somebody negotiating very likely and whether to say love the home weathered some actually buying a home I whatever the case may be there is a party view that is involved in some negotiations and having to look at how do you really feel about this change a really comfortable with it and what factors are there were you wish word to their that would allow you to actually deal a greater sense a being at home so there's a level of acceptance there but at the same time I think you can see how making changes actually can end up being really good for you and be really empowering as well can actually be something that you can look forward to and then for some argue this is going to take on a more us sort of metaphorical understanding word actually has to do with how you feel at home in the world are where you don't feel at home in the world and what needs to happen what needs to change that you do feel a greater sense of comfort a greater sense of safety regardless of how this lesson manifest for you understand that ultimately the questions are leaving some were good and the negotiations are strengthening you you are taking an honest assessment of where you are and that in turn is going to empower you to go forward would not only greater clarity but a greater sense that there are greater forces on your side and that want you to feel that the whole world really is a stable and safe place for you to be hello published such a terrace this week there is the promise %uh continue talks continue conversation taking place that well sometimes might feel amazing saddam's don't and you might not be able to actually put your finger on it especially when I look at early in the week it doesn't like there is some sort of interaction which on the surface should make you feel better should make you feel like okay great you know things are clearer I understand where we're going and and make you feel that you get it okay make you feel like whether you've been hurt or whether you've heard them and it seems to come under the guise up one t to make peace but leaves you feeling a little bit uncomfortable you can't quite put your finger on it well I gotta tell you I don't think you're gonna put your finger high net and it just looks like there's this feeling a while why did that need to be said why did that need to come up okay fine whatever but then the lens turns on you and that's what I find really encouraging about what's to take place this week because it is you that search to understand that okay maybe it's not so much about the other person what they need to say maybe it's not so much about how other people are reacting or you're feeling at the moment maybe there's something else going on that you need to understand about yourself why did you react to are you feeling the way that you are from that place I'm seeing you actually make some really valuable choices and I'm seeing these conversations likely take place with ate bread with someone you trust but from there are you actually going to use that as a springboard to allow yourself to understand what action you need to take what direction you need to go ahead and I'm seeing this as a result of all this attracting you actually end up moving closer to a friend and feeling a greater sense to support and love from them so be open to that process because it doesn't like you are on a path the understanding where you are more in understanding what actions you need to take next to feel a greater sense of lightness as you move through the world so I have the information comes in be open to it because very quickly it's going to help you its gonna serve as a catalyst to help you understand what you need to really feel a greater sensor not just purpose but just a greater sense serve feeling like you have the support you need to really fly as high as it is that you desire to go hello Fabolous cap record while your ruling planet is getting a boost bra mercury and from the Sun especially in a very positive boos from the Sun is a spoke about in the introduction and when this happens it does suggest a time when you feel like you are lifted you feel like you get a boost you feel like the best %uh viewers coming forward that you're in your element me really feel like you're tapping into something that matters to you that allows you to shine really brightly and think this is an overall really positive and really empowering week for you especially when it comes to your career and your work and also welcomes your finances as well even what some tough questions a little bit of uncertainty that's that happens earlier on in the week very quickly gives way to you understanding what action you need to take what you need to say to be as persuasive as you possibly can and from there I'm seeing you just really come to understand what you need to feel a sense that strength within yourself that certainly did direction you're headed in this week does promise you a greater sense of awareness of what needs to happen with any you and what needs to change within the EU so that you can feel like your life is moving forward and it certainly is but I like best about this week is that there is an absolute recognition that you understand what you are good at and you're able to share it easily and you're able to be appreciated for it as well you hello fabulous Aquarius warmer curry continues to move through your sin and I would say enjoy this there's clarity coming as to what really matters to you what's important to you what direction you want to go in and also what i'd like about this week is that while there is some questions about the direction you're headed in your career it really is about bringing you into alignment with what is it that you believe that you are and what you identify with and what it is that you want to embody in this life you're getting that clarity and you're asking yourself what needs to change so that that could be reflected in your work and in your career this is the time i've I've career hard work on the one hand but also crew chief change is for some as well some Aquarians as well and what I really like about this week for you is that with the conversations with the interactions with the questions you are using them to really understand more clearly who it is that you are and what it is that you're meant to contribute in this lifetime from there I'm seeing you really take that information and run with it in fact it was who once we get to the middle and later parts of the week the energy just builds more and more positive for you I also think that you feel a financial breakthrough coming on and you're right about that things are changing for you things are advancing for you in the best possible sense and you are preparing to take a step in a more stable direction a step that promises to bring you greater prosperity now and for a long time to come you hello Fabolous Pisces well it is a sudden moving to your sign that reaches out to saturn and this does suggest that you understand it's almost as if I wanna feel like the shoe drops but I would say more accurately it's almost as if you get what needs to happen if you are actually going to live and ambition if you are actually going to live something that you currently in vision or something that you hope for something that you're aiming for it's as if you get why did is that you need to believe about yourself in order to actually manifest something greater and manifest something different you know I think about the fact that you've got Neptune and Chiron moving to your sign is part of a long-term sorted it's gonna be there these placements are there throughout this decade is that this is energy that's been there will continue to be there that ultimately these energies are about you sort of getting any any superfluous things out of the way so that you can live a life have greater connection to Source a greater faith life that feels more ideal and more true to you when you look at what's taking place this week and it really is because the Sun is getting the stability boost from Saturn that you understand what practically needs to change in order for you to actually live those ideals you know it's been said that Saturn I really ultimately like Jupiter your ancient ruling planet your model ruling planet Neptune these planets need fatter in order to actually have any of the inspiration count for anything well this week you're about to really understand that much more deeply and you're about to understand that really as much as people say oh no saturn so hard been called the taskmaster but I think for you you really gonna welcome this as a gift you really gonna start to understand that it really is something very special when you can look at your life and see how you have a track record love success and you have already demonstrated great skills from which you can now leap forward and do even greater things in the world thank you so much for watching thank you everyone have all signs for watching it'll be a great week enjoy thank you for watching it'll be a great man be fabulous and enjoy
A2 初級 2014年3月9日-15日每週星座運勢,作者:娜迪婭-沙阿。 (Weekly Astrology Horoscopes for March 9-15, 2014 by Nadiya Shah) 31 2 Hhart Budha 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字