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  • in by addressing US President Donald Trump and vice president Mike Pence have spoken for the first time since the riot at the U.


  • S Capitol.


  • That's according to a senior White House official who says they had a quote good conversation Monday evening.


  • It would also mark their first meeting since Trump slammed Pence for not challenging President elect Joe Biden's Electoral College win.


  • Trump encouraged his supporters to march to the capital, while Pence presided over the certification process for Biden's victory.


  • A source familiar with the situation said that Trump had not reached out to Pence to check on his safety when he was evacuated as the capital was being mobbed, Thieve violence left five people dead, including a police officer.


  • Some Trump supporters at the scene discussed assassinating Pence for being a traitor.


  • The senior official says that when they spoke Monday, Trump and Pence discussed the riot and quote reiterated that those who broke the law and stormed the capital last week do not represent the America First Movement.


  • The vice president has resisted pressure from Democrats to invoke the 25th Amendment, which would remove Trump from office.


  • The Democrat controlled House of Representatives plans to impeach Trump on Wednesday unless he resigns.


  • Impeachment charges accuse him of inciting violence against the United States.


in by addressing US President Donald Trump and vice president Mike Pence have spoken for the first time since the riot at the U.


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