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Indonesian search teams have recovered the first bits of wreckage of a passenger plane that crashed into the Java Sea on Saturday.
Anay Air crash investigator has now said the jet likely shattered at extremely high speed when hitting the waters.
62 people were on board the Boeing 737 500.
波音737 500飛機上有62人。
Authorities have also pinpointed the location of the flight recorders.
They hope the black box data will clarify why the plane came down just minutes after taking off from Jakarta.
Journalist Christina Astra at Medea has been closely following the latest developments and joins us now from Jakarta.
Medea的記者Christina Astra一直在密切關注最新的事態發展,現在從雅加達為我們報道。
Chris, not good to see you.
Has the search operation produced any new evidence yet?
Um uh, right now, the diverse and remote operated vehicle or our office still works in the driven the black box in mark location from yesterday.
Uh, yesterday we know that the Navy ship detected a signal from the beacon transmitted from both flight that recorder and cockpit voice recorder and it also that location.
呃,昨天我們知道,海軍艦艇檢測到一個信號從信標傳輸 從飛行記錄器和駕駛艙語音記錄器,它也那個位置。
It was confirmed by the divers that indeed that the pink senior is from the cross location and it's full off the breeze.
Aircraft breeze in the seabed um, some off the part of the fuse lodge and some also a personal belongings off the passengers and looking at the sea bet that most off the degrees is in very, very small parts on but the size.
And it looks like that the aircraft possibly broken the very high impact with WADA.
What information are authorities hoping to get from those black boxes that they have located?
Well, yeah, There's two black boxes, actually.
The one is the voice cockpit recorder cockpit voice recorder, which is recording the communication between the two pilots in the cockpit.
And then we know that until now there is no, uh, sort of like a distress signal from the air traffic controller.
然後我們知道,到目前為止,沒有,呃, 有點像一個求救信號 從空中交通管制。
Eso It looks like that it z the accident happened in a very sudden onda.
Also, the authority also get all the recorder from the a p C.
同時,該機關還從a p C中獲取所有記錄器。
The radar, the also the communication with the ABC and nothing no distress signal that a person in the recording and they also begin to interview every every person in fourth in the accident, including the controller and, uh, technician mechanic then So that Z, that's that's ah, we hope that from the cockpit flight recorder and also the data recorder that that we can reveal a lot about what happened.
Is it the mechanical engine or something?
Alright, Journalist Krista Astra.
Add Madea in Jakarta.
Thank you very much.
You're welcome.