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  • two Chinese business giants said on Monday they will team up to form a new company that makes Smart electric vehicles.


  • Search engine Baidu confirmed it would partner with Jilly, marking the latest move by a tech company into the fast growing evey sector.


  • Baidu has experience in intelligent vehicles.


  • It's developed autonomous driving technology on online infrastructure.


  • The new EV company will rely on Baidu's intelligent driving capabilities on Julie's car manufacturing expertise by these move comes as many tech companies race to develop smart cars.


  • Apple is reportedly pushing to design an electric vehicle and batteries.


  • Sources told Reuters last month that it was aiming for a possible 2024 launch date.


  • Chinese e commerce giant Alibaba has also formed an E V venture with the country's largest automaker, S A.

    中國電子商務巨頭阿里巴巴還與國內最大的汽車製造商S A成立了一家E V企業。

  • I C.

    I C.

  • Baidu first built its autonomous driving unit Apollo in 2017 in mainly supplies technology powered by artificial intelligence on runs autonomous taxi service Go Robo taxi.

    百度在2017年首次打造了其自動駕駛單元Apollo,在主要提供由人工智能驅動的技術上運行自主打車服務Go Robo計程車。

two Chinese business giants said on Monday they will team up to form a new company that makes Smart electric vehicles.


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