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Democrat John, also off on Wednesday beat Republican incumbent David Perdue in one of Georgia's two Senate run offs, securing his party's control of the Senate and with it the power to advance President elect Joe Biden's agenda Dream about what's possible.
Edison Research projected the victory Wednesday afternoon after fellow Democrat Reverend Raphael Warnock beat Republican incumbent Kelly Leffler.
The two winds are historic.
At 33 Ossoff will become the youngest member of the Senate, while Warnock, a Baptist preacher at Martin Luther King Junior's former church in Atlanta, will become Georgia's first black senator.
33歲的奧索夫將成為參議院最年輕的成員,而馬丁-路德-金(Martin Luther King Junior)以前在亞特蘭大教堂的浸禮會傳教士沃諾克將成為佐治亞州的第一位黑人参議員。
He spoke to CBS this morning about his victory.
That I am serving in the United States Senate in a few days pushes against the grain of so many expectations.
But this is America, and I want some young person who's watching this to know that anything is possible.
Wednesday's results amount to a final defeat for outgoing President Donald Trump, who became the first US president since 1932 to lose the White House and both chambers of Congress in a single term.
His ongoing attempts to overturn his loss in the November election overshadowed the run offs.
On Saturday, he tried to pressure Georgia's secretary of state Ah fellow Republican to quote find votes to reverse Biden's victory, arguing without evidence that fraud cost him the election.
Hard work that was done.
Asked early Wednesday who's to blame for Republican performance in Georgia, Senate election official Gabriel Sterling, a Republican, laid the blame on Trump.
週三早些時候,當被問及共和黨在佐治亞州的表現應歸咎於誰時,共和黨參議院選舉官員加布裡埃爾-斯特林(Gabriel Sterling)將責任推給了特朗普。
If you look over the last two months, the present United States spent more time attacking Governor Campaign Secretary Rothenberger than he did Raphael Warnock and Senator Toe be probably also off the wind split the Senate 50 50 with Vice President elect Kamala Harris is tiebreaking votes, giving Democrats control of the chamber.
如果你看過去兩個月,目前美國花在攻擊州長競選祕書羅滕伯格的時間比他做拉斐爾-沃諾克和參議員託伊大概也是關風50 50與副總統當選人卡馬拉-哈里斯是平局票,讓民主黨控制眾議院。
It's the first time in a decade that Democrats control both chambers and the White House, dramatically shifting the balance of power in Washington.