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Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, has been denied bail by a London court on the grounds that he may be a flight risk, citing the seven years he spent evading authorities by hiding in Ecuador's embassy there.
The ruling came only days after he secured a victory in his effort to stop his extradition to the United States from Britain.
At the time, a court ruled he should not be extradited because he'd be at risk of suicide, and after that victory he asked to be released on bail.
But the U.
S government is still pursuing him in the British legal system.
On on Wednesday, a judge at London's Westminster Magistrates Court said Quote, the outcome of this appeal is not yet known.
This was the reaction of his partner, Stella Morris, outside the court.
This is a huge disappointment.
Julian should not be in Belmarsh prison in the first place.
I urge the Department of Justice to drop the charges on the president of the United States Department.
Julian A.
Julian A.
Sand, has spent the last eight years either in prison or holed up in Ecuador's embassy, step away from the sides.
He's accused of espionage against the United States and conspiracy toe hack government computers.
他被指控從事反美間諜活動 陰謀入侵政府電腦
Some of Wikileaks most notable leaks include the Hillary Clinton campaign emails in 2016 military logs from the war in Afghanistan.
Diplomatic cables on the gun camera video of American attack helicopters killing a dozen people in Iraq in 2007, including two Reuters journalists.
Supporters off a sand say he's a hero for exposing what they believe her abuse of power by the United States opponents cast him is a dangerous man who's undermined the safety of the West.